首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Statistical modelling of extreme precipitation indices for the Mediterranean area under future climate change

Statistical modelling of extreme precipitation indices for the Mediterranean area under future climate change


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Projected changes of extreme precipitation in the Mediterranean area up until the end of the 21st century are analysed by means of statistical downscaling. Generalized linear models are used as downscaling technique to assess different percentile-based indices of extreme precipitation on a fine-scale spatial resolution. In the region under consideration extreme precipitation is related to anomalies of the large-scale circulation as well as to convective conditions. To account for this, predictor selection encompasses variables describing the large-scale circulation (geopotential heights of the 700 hPa and 500 hPa levels, u- and v-wind components of the 850 hPa level) as well as thermo-dynamic parameters (specific humidity of the 850 hPa and 700 hPa levels, Showalter-Index, convective inhibition). In the scope of the statistical downscaling approach a specific statistical ensemble technique is applied in order to allow for non-stationarities in the predictors-predictand relationships. Consequently, the statistical ensembles include a range of possible future evolutions of extreme precipitation. Two different emission scenarios (A1B and B1), multiple runs for each scenario, and output of two different general circulation models (ECHAM5 and HadCM3) are applied to assess extreme precipitation under enhanced greenhouse warming conditions. The results yield mainly decreases over many parts of the Mediterranean area in spring. In summer increases are assessed around the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ionian Sea, and the Aegean Sea, whereas decreases are projected for most of the western and northern Mediterranean regions. In autumn reductions of heavy rainfall occur over many parts of the western and central areas. In winter distinct increases are widespread in the Mediterranean area. Beyond the assessments using all predictors it is shown in the present contribution that different predictor variables can lead to varying statistical downscaling results. It points to distinct impacts of the change of specific atmospheric conditions on local extreme precipitation.
机译:通过统计缩减方法,分析了直到21世纪末地中海地区极端降水的预计变化。广义线性模型被用作降尺度技术,以精细尺度的空间分辨率评估不同百分比的极端降水指数。在所考虑的区域中,极端降水与大规模环流异常以及对流条件有关。为了解决这个问题,预测变量的选择包含描述大规模循环的变量(700 hPa和500 hPa水平的地势高度,850 hPa水平的u和v风分量)以及热力学参数(比湿) 850 hPa和700 hPa的水平,Showalter-Index,对流抑制)。在统计缩减方法的范围内,应用了一种特定的统计集成技术,以允许预测变量与预测变量之间的关系不平稳。因此,统计合奏包括一系列未来极端降水的可能演变。两种不同的排放情景(A1B和B1),每种情景的多次运行以及两种不同的一般循环模型(ECHAM5和HadCM3)的输出用于评估温室变暖条件下的极端降水。结果是春季春季地中海地区许多地方的单产下降。在夏季,估计在第勒尼安海,爱奥尼亚海和爱琴海周围增加,而在地中海的西部和北部大多数地区预计减少。秋季,西部和中部许多地区降雨减少。在冬季,地中海地区明显增加。除了使用所有预测变量进行评估之外,本研究还表明,不同的预测变量可能会导致变化的统计缩减结果。它指出了特定大气条件的变化对当地极端降水的明显影响。



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