首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Use of the spectral clustering to determine coherent precipitation regions in Turkey for the period 1929-2007

Use of the spectral clustering to determine coherent precipitation regions in Turkey for the period 1929-2007


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In this study, we suggest the spectral clustering (SC), a hybrid clustering technique based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and K-means for grouping features of precipitation totals of 96 stations in Turkey. Clustering process establishes an exhaustive set of occupied regimes into distinct climatic zones. Results of the SC satisfactorily represent the influences of the synoptic-scale weather systems including such as the mid-latitude and Mediterranean frontal cyclones, and the mid-latitude travelling and eastern Europe high pressures in winter, sub-tropical Azores high pressure and monsoon low in summer. Results of the SC also well display the influences of local-scale atmospheric disturbances, and direct influences of physical geographical features of Turkey (i.e. exposure, topography, orography, land-sea distribution, continentality and the high Anatolian peninsula) on the geographical variability and coherent distribution of the annual precipitation totals over Turkey. Finally, based on the results of the SC method employed to annual precipitation totals of 96 stations in Turkey for the period of 1929-2007, eight clusters of precipitation coherent zones are determined, namely Black Sea, Northwest Turkey, southern Aegean and western Mediterranean, Mediterranean, West Continental Central Anatolia, East Continental Central Anatolia, Continental eastern and south-eastern Anatolia.
机译:在这项研究中,我们建议使用光谱聚类(SC),一种基于奇异值分解(SVD)和K-means的混合聚类技术,对土耳其96个站点的降水总量进行分组。聚类过程将详尽的占领区建立为不同的气候区。 SC的结果令人满意地代表了天气天气尺度天气系统的影响,包括中纬度和地中海额气旋,冬季的中纬度旅行和东欧高压,亚热带亚速尔群岛高压和季风低压。在夏天。 SC的结果还很好地显示了局部大气干扰的影响,以及土耳其的物理地理特征(即暴露,地形,地形,陆海分布,大陆性和安纳托利亚半岛高地)的直接影响对地理变异性和整个土耳其的年降水量分布一致。最后,根据1929-2007年期间土耳其96个气象站年降水总量的SC方法结果,确定了八个降水连贯带簇,即黑海,土耳其西北部,爱琴海南部和地中海西部,地中海,西安纳托利亚中部大陆,东安纳托利亚中部东部,安纳托利亚东部和东南部。



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