首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >The impacts of long-lived jet contrail 'outbreaks' on surface station diurnal temperature range

The impacts of long-lived jet contrail 'outbreaks' on surface station diurnal temperature range


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Multiple persistent jet aviation contrails - contrail 'outbreaks' - occur frequently over certain portions of the Continental United States (CONUS). The artificial cloudiness generated by contrail outbreaks alters the atmospheric radiation budget, potentially impacting the surface air temperature, particularly the diurnal temperature range (DTR), or difference between daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temperatures. This study evaluates the hypothesis that contrail outbreaks reduce the DTR relative to clear-sky conditions. We utilize a database of longer-lived (>4 h duration) jet contrail outbreaks for the CONUS previously determined from interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, for the January and April months of 2008 and 2009. The outbreak impact on DTR was determined by comparing maximum and minimum temperatures at pairs of surface weather stations (one outbreak and one non-outbreak) across two regions of climatologically high outbreak frequency; the South in January, and Midwest in April. We ensured that each station pair selected had broadly similar land use-land cover, soil moisture, and synoptic air mass conditions. For outbreaks in the South (January), there was a statistically significant reduction of DTR at the outbreak versus non-outbreak stations. This result was similar to that obtained for a smaller subset of outbreaks for which lower-level clouds could be confirmed as being absent (from North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) output). For the Midwest (April), the results are mixed; statistically different for satellite-retrieved outbreaks, but not significantly different for the NARR-validated dataset. These results suggest that persistent jet contrails should be considered in short-term weather forecasting, and for their potential influence on the climatology of more frequently impacted areas.
机译:在美国大陆(CONUS)的某些地区经常发生多次持续的喷气航空凝结尾迹-凝结尾迹“爆发”。凝结尾迹爆发产生的人工混浊改变了大气辐射的预算,可能会影响地表气温,尤其是昼夜温度范围(DTR),或白天最高温度和夜间最低温度之间的差异。这项研究评估了轨迹转换爆发相对于晴空条件降低DTR的假设。我们利用先前根据高分辨率卫星图像的解释确定的,针对2008年和2009年1月和4月的CONUS的寿命更长(> 4小时持续时间)的喷气转换轨迹暴发的数据库。暴发对DTR的影响由比较在两个气候爆发频率高的地区的成对地面气象站(一次爆发和一次非爆发)的最高和最低温度;南部在1月,中西部在4月。我们确保所选择的每个站点对都具有大致相似的土地利用-土地覆盖,土壤湿度和天气气团条件。对于南方(1月)的暴发,与非暴发站相比,暴发期间DTR的统计显着减少。该结果类似于从较小的一次爆发子集获得的结果,可以确认没有更低级别的云(来自北美区域再分析(NARR)输出)。对于中西部地区(4月),结果好坏参半。卫星检索到的暴发在统计上不同,但NARR验证的数据集没有显着差异。这些结果表明,在短期天气预报中应考虑持久性喷流的轨迹,并考虑其对更频繁受影响地区气候的潜在影响。



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