首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Skill assessment of the existing capacity for extended-range weather forecasting in Nigeria

Skill assessment of the existing capacity for extended-range weather forecasting in Nigeria


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The need for skilful weather forecasting as a strategy for adapting food production to a variable and changing climate is recognized. Frequent assessment of the existing tools provides the needed feedback to encourage the growth of a more reliable weather forecasting capacity. A scheme designed for the assessment of the skill demonstrated by published weather forecasts is presented. The existing products of four weather forecasting organizations with interests in West Africa are assessed using the observed weather during the period from 1996 to 2000. The weather forecasting organizations concerned are NOAA (USA), Met Office (UK), CNRS (France) and the Nigerian Central Forecasting Office. The forecast skills of the various organizations appear not to have witnessed any significant improvement between 1996 and 2000. Overall, the low proportion of the forecasts falling into the low skill category is encouraging. However, the relatively high percentage of the moderate skill and low percentage of the high skill categories suggest that there is considerable room for improvement. One may have to give the various organizations more time to perfect the existing tools. However, this review has not come too early, because it is the type of feedback needed to hasten the emergence of more skilful forecasts. It has been established in this study that better rainfall forecasts could be achieved with higher resolution sea-surface temperature anomaly data and the inclusion of more predictor variables, especially those of a synoptic nature.
机译:人们认识到,需要有技巧的天气预报作为使粮食生产适应变化多变的气候的战略。经常评估现有工具可提供所需的反馈,以鼓励更可靠的天气预报能力的增长。提出了一种旨在评估已发布的天气预报所显示技能的方案。使用1996年至2000年期间的观测天气评估了四个对西非感兴趣的天气预报组织的现有产品。所涉及的天气预报组织是NOAA(美国),Met Office(英国),CNRS(法国)和尼日利亚中央预报处。在1996年至2000年之间,各个组织的预测技能似乎没有任何显着改善。总体而言,属于低技能类别的预测中所占的比例很小,这令人鼓舞。但是,中等技能类别的相对较高百分比和高技能类别的较低百分比表明存在很大的改进空间。可能不得不给各个组织更多的时间来完善现有工具。但是,这次审查还为时过早,因为这是加速出现更熟练的预测所需要的反馈类型。在这项研究中已经确定,通过更高分辨率的海表温度异常数据并包含更多的预报变量,尤其是天气天气的预报变量,可以获得更好的降雨预报。



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