首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall onset date at local scale

Interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall onset date at local scale


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Variability of Indian summer monsoon local-scale onset dates is investigated at 1? spatial resolution by applying an agronomic definition (i.e. the first significant rains without a potentially crop-threatening dry spell thereafter) to gridded observed daily rainfall data (1901-2004). Median onset dates are compared well with previous estimates. The inter-quartile range varies from less than 2 weeks over the monsoon zone and Western Ghats, to about a month over the northwestern desert. A relationship between local-scale rainfall onset date and regional-scale indices of onset is demonstrated over the eastern part of the monsoon zone (i.e. approximately from Orissa and eastern Maharashtra to Western Bengal) and along the coast of the Arabian Sea; these regions are also found to exhibit significant correlations with Ni?o 3.4 sea surface temperature index in May. However, these relationships are found to be rather weak and geographically confined, which is attributed to low values of spatial coherence of local-scale onset date variability. A weak relationship is also found between local-scale onset date and the June-September seasonal rainfall total, while the latter is shown to be weakly more spatially coherent than local-scale onset date over the monsoon zone, and thus slightly more potentially predictable.
机译:印度夏季风当地尺度发病日期的变异性在1?通过将农业定义(即第一场大雨之后没有潜在威胁农作物的干旱期)应用于网格化的每日降雨量数据(1901-2004年),从而获得空间分辨率。中位发病日期与以前的估计值进行了很好的比较。四分位间距范围从季风区和西高止山脉不到2周到西北沙漠大约一个月不等。在季风区的东部(即大约从奥里萨邦和马哈拉施特拉邦东部到孟加拉西部)和阿拉伯海沿岸,证明了地方尺度的降雨开始日期与区域尺度的开始指数之间的关系;还发现这些地区与5月的Ni?o 3.4海面温度指数具有显着的相关性。但是,发现这些关系相当弱并且在地理上受限制,这归因于局部尺度发病日期变异性的空间一致性较低。在地方尺度的开始日期与6月至9月的季节性降雨总量之间也发现了弱的关系,而季风降水在空间上的连贯性比季风区域的地方尺度的开始日期弱,因此可能更具可预测性。



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