首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacy. >The outpatient utilization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in South Backa District, Serbia.

The outpatient utilization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in South Backa District, Serbia.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the utilization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in South Backa District (SBD), Serbia. SETTING: State-owned and private pharmacies in SBD, a northern district of Serbia, with 605,720 inhabitants (according to the 2008 census). METHOD: Data on the number of packages, size of packages, and retail price of NSAIDs (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) group M01A) from 1 January to 31 March 2008 were obtained from all state-owned and private pharmacies in SBD. This included NSAIDs bought without prescription and those issued by prescription (on the Health Insurance Companies List for Reimbursement). The number of defined daily doses/1000 inhabitants/day (DDD/1000 inh/day) was calculated. Within the DU90% (drug utilization 90%) segment, the proportion of high-, medium- and low-risk NSAIDs with respect to the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding was determined. Price/DDD was also calculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Consumption of drugs expressed as DDD/1000 inh/day. RESULTS: The total consumption of NSAIDs over a 3-month period was 48.31 DDD/1000 inh/day. Only four drugs were within DU90%: diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide and meloxicam (62.14, 19.87, 5.77, and 5.73% of total NSAID consumption, respectively). All dispensed NSAIDs within the DU90% segment except nimesulide (which was exclusively purchased without prescription) were nearly equally purchased without prescription and issued by prescription. The average price per DDD within the DU90% segment was 0.17 Euro/DDD, whereas it was 0.30 Euro/DDD for NSAIDs beyond the DU90% segment. The pattern of use of NSAIDs according to their GI risk showed that medium-risk diclofenac accounted for 66.45%, whereas low-risk ibuprofen was estimated to be 21.25% within the DU90% segment. CONCLUSION: Factors other than evidence-based medicine (such as poor health education in the past that led to long-lasting consequences on the cultural behaviour of the general population as well as on the prescribing habits of physicians) have a dominating impact on the use of NSAIDs in SBD. Targeted education from independent sources in the prescribing, dispensing and use of drugs is required to improve the quality of prescription and use of NSAIDs in Serbia.
机译:目的:评估塞尔维亚南部Backa District(SBD)中非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID)的利用情况。地点:塞尔维亚北部SBD的国有和私人药房,有605,720居民(根据2008年的人口普查)。方法:从SBD的所有国有和私人药房获得有关NSAIDs(解剖治疗化学(ATC)组M01A)从2008年1月1日至3月31日的包装数量,包装大小和零售价格的数据。这包括无处方购买的NSAID和按处方签发的NSAID(在健康保险公司的报销清单上)。计算每天定义的剂量/ 1000居民/天(DDD / 1000 inh /天)。在DU90%(药物利用率90%)细分中,确定了高,中和低风险NSAID与胃肠道(GI)出血风险的比例。价格/ DDD也已计算。主要观察指标:药物消费以DDD / 1000 inh / day表示。结果:三个月内,非甾体抗炎药的总消费量为48.31 DDD / 1000 inh / day。 DU90%内只有四种药物:双氯芬酸,布洛芬,尼美舒利和美洛昔康(分别占NSAID总消费量的62.14%,19.87%,5.77%和5.73%)。 DU90%细分市场中的所有已分配NSAID,除了尼美舒利(独家购买而无处方)外,几乎均等地购买了无处方并通过处方签发。 DU90%细分市场中每DDD的平均价格为0.17欧元/ DDD,而DU90%细分市场以外的NSAID的平均价格为0.30欧元/ DDD。根据其胃肠道风险使用非甾体抗炎药的模式显示,中等风险的双氯芬酸占66.45%,而低风险的布洛芬估计在DU90%范围内为21.25%。结论:循证医学以外的其他因素(例如过去不良的健康教育导致对普通人群的文化行为以及医师的处方习惯产生长期影响)对使用产生了主要影响SBD中的NSAID数量。需要从独立来源进行有针对性的处方,配药和使用教育,以提高塞尔维亚非处方药的处方和使用质量。



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