首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >A new strategy to prevent chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced alopecia using topically applied vasoconstrictor

A new strategy to prevent chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced alopecia using topically applied vasoconstrictor


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In a new strategy, we sought to determine whether topically applied vasoconstrictor, with its accompanying transient skin hypoxia and exclusion of systemic drug, would prevent or suppress radiotherapy or chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Topical vasoconstrictor was applied to 1-cm(2) skin patches on the backs of 10-day-old rats and minutes later they received either 7.1 gray (Gy) whole-body radiation or systemic N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU) or Cytoxan. The degree of alopecia was scored 10 days later by visual assessment (% coat retention) and hair follicle histologic analysis. Topical application of epinephrine or norepinephrine in an alcohol: water delivery vehicle induced clear skin blanch, and in a dose-dependent manner, topical epinephrine or norepinephrine (20-1,000 mM) applied before 7.1 Gy irradiation conferred 95% of coat retention in the treated skin patches versus 0% coat retention in vehicle controls, or in skin outside the treated patches. By histology, small numbers of dystrophic hair follicles were observed in hairless skin versus the normal density of anagen follicles in the immediately adjacent, drug-protected skin patches at day 20; protected coats were retained into adulthood. Topical epinephrine or norepinephrine before systemic MNU (30 ug/gm body weight) conferred up to 95% of coat retention in treated skin patches versus 0% coat retention elsewhere. Epinephrine-conferred % coat retention dropped to 16% in rats that received systemic Cytoxan, a drug whose plasma half-life is at least 8-to 10-fold longer than MNU. A general strategy is discussed for the use of topical epinephrine or norepinephrine in the clinic to provide an inexpensive and convenient strategy to prevent cancer therapy-induced alopecia.
机译:在一项新策略中,我们试图确定局部应用血管收缩剂及其伴随的短暂性皮肤缺氧和排除全身性药物是否能预防或抑制放疗或化疗引起的脱发。将局部血管收缩剂应用于10日龄大鼠背部的1-cm(2)皮肤斑块,几分钟后它们接受7.1灰色(Gy)全身辐射或全身性N-亚硝基-N-甲基脲(MNU)或Cytoxan。 10天后通过视觉评估(毛发保留率)和毛囊组织学分析对脱发程度进行评分。在酒精:水输送介质中局部应用肾上腺素或去甲肾上腺素引起的皮肤明显变白,并且以剂量依赖性方式,在7.1 Gy辐照之前局部应用肾上腺素或去甲肾上腺素(20-1,000 mM)可使被治疗者的皮毛保留率达到95%皮肤贴剂与媒介物对照或治疗贴剂外的皮肤中0%的涂层保留率相比。根据组织学,在第20天,在无毛的皮肤中观察到少量营养不良的毛囊,而在紧邻的受药物保护的皮肤斑中,毛囊的正常密度为毛囊的正常密度。受保护的外套被保留到成年。在全身性MNU(体重30 ug / gm)之前,局部使用肾上腺素或去甲肾上腺素可使治疗的皮肤贴剂中高达95%的涂层保留,而其他地方为0%。在接受全身性Cytoxan的大鼠中,肾上腺素赋予的衣被保留百分比下降至16%,该药物的血浆半衰期比MNU长至少8至10倍。讨论了在临床上使用局部肾上腺素或去甲肾上腺素的一般策略,以提供一种廉价且方便的策略来预防癌症治疗引起的脱发。



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