首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Acrylamide exposure measured by food frequency questionnaire and hemoglobin adduct levels and prostate cancer risk in the Cancer of the Prostate in Sweden Study.

Acrylamide exposure measured by food frequency questionnaire and hemoglobin adduct levels and prostate cancer risk in the Cancer of the Prostate in Sweden Study.


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Acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen, is formed during the cooking of many commonly consumed foods. Data are scant on whether dietary acrylamide represents an important cancer risk in humans. We studied the association between acrylamide and prostate cancer risk using 2 measures of acrylamide exposure: intake from a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and acrylamide adducts to hemoglobin. We also studied the correlation between these 2 exposure measures. We used data from the population-based case-control study Cancer of the Prostate in Sweden (CAPS). Dietary data was available for 1,499 cases and 1,118 controls. Hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide were measured in blood samples from a subset of 170 cases and 161 controls. We calculated odds ratios (ORs) for the risk of prostate cancer in high versus low quantiles of acrylamide exposure using logistic regression. The correlation between FFQ acrylamide intake and acrylamide adducts in non-smokers was 0.25 (95% confidence interval: 0.14-0.35), adjusted for age, region, energy intake, and laboratory batch. Among controls the correlation was 0.35 (95% CI: 0.21-0.48); among cases it was 0.15 (95% CI: 0.00-0.30). The OR of prostate cancer for the highest versus lowest quartile of acrylamide adducts was 0.93 (95% CI: 0.47-1.85, p-value for trend = 0.98). For FFQ acrylamide, the OR of prostate cancer for the highest versus lowest quintile was 0.97 (95% CI: 0.75-1.27, p trend = 0.67). No significant associations were found between acrylamide exposure and risk of prostate cancer by stage, grade, or PSA level. Acrylamide adducts to hemoglobin and FFQ-measured acrylamide intake were moderately correlated. Neither measure of acrylamide exposure-hemoglobin adducts or FFQ-was associated with risk of prostate cancer.
机译:丙烯酰胺是一种可能的人类致癌物,在烹饪许多常用食品时会形成。关于饮食中的丙烯酰胺是否对人类构成重要的癌症风险,目前尚缺乏数据。我们使用2种丙烯酰胺暴露量度研究了丙烯酰胺与前列腺癌风险之间的关联:从食物频率调查表(FFQ)摄入量和丙烯酰胺加成物对血红蛋白的摄取。我们还研究了这两种接触措施之间的相关性。我们使用了基于人群的病例对照研究(瑞典前列腺癌)的数据。有1499例病例和1118例对照的饮食数据。在170例患者和161例对照的血液样本中测量了丙烯酰胺的血红蛋白加合物。我们使用逻辑回归计算了高或低分位数的丙烯酰胺暴露量下前列腺癌风险的比值比(OR)。非吸烟者的FFQ丙烯酰胺摄入量与丙烯酰胺加合物之间的相关性为0.25(95%置信区间:0.14-0.35),并根据年龄,地区,能量摄入量和实验室批次进行了调整。对照之间的相关性是0.35(95%CI:0.21-0.48);在这些案例中,该值为0.15(95%CI:0.00-0.30)。丙烯酰胺加合物的最高四分位数与最低四分位数的前列腺癌OR值为0.93(95%CI:0.47-1.85,趋势p值= 0.98)。对于FFQ丙烯酰胺,最高五分位数与最低五分位数的前列腺癌OR值为0.97(95%CI:0.75-1.27,p趋势= 0.67)。按阶段,等级或PSA水平,在丙烯酰胺暴露与前列腺癌风险之间未发现显着关联。血红蛋白的丙烯酰胺加合物与FFQ测定的丙烯酰胺摄入量呈中等相关性。丙烯酰胺暴露量(血红蛋白加合物或FFQ)均与前列腺癌风险无关。



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