首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >mTOR inhibitor-induced interstitial lung disease in cancer patients: Comprehensive review and a practical management algorithm

mTOR inhibitor-induced interstitial lung disease in cancer patients: Comprehensive review and a practical management algorithm


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Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTORi) have clinically significant activity against various malignancies, such as renal cell carcinoma and breast cancer, but their use can be complicated by several toxicities. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is an adverse event of particular importance. Mostly, mTORi-induced ILD remains asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, but it can also lead to severe morbidity and even mortality. Therefore, careful diagnosis and management of ILD is warranted. The reported incidence of mTORi-induced ILD varies widely because of a lack of uniform diagnostic criteria and active surveillance. Because of the nonspecific clinical features, a broad differential diagnosis that includes (opportunistic) infections should be considered in case of suspicion of mTORi-induced ILD. The exact mechanism or interplay of mechanisms leading to the development of ILD remains to be defined. Suggested mechanisms are either a direct toxic effect or immune-mediated mechanisms, considering mTOR inhibitors have several effects on the immune system. The clinical course of ILD varies widely and is difficult to predict. Consequently, the discrimination between when mTOR inhibitors can be continued safely and when discontinuation is indicated is challenging. In this review, we give a comprehensive review of the incidence, clinical presentation and pathophysiology of mTORi-induced ILD in cancer patients. We present newly developed diagnostic criteria for ILD, which include clinical symptoms as well as basic pulmonary function tests and radiological abnormalities. In conjunction with these diagnostic criteria, we provide a detailed and easily applicable clinical management algorithm.
机译:雷帕霉素抑制剂(mTORi)的哺乳动物靶标在临床上对各种恶性肿瘤(如肾细胞癌和乳腺癌)具有显着的活性,但其使用可能因多种毒性而变得复杂。间质性肺疾病(ILD)是一种特别重要的不良事件。通常,mTORi诱导的ILD仍无症状或轻度症状,但也可能导致严重的发病率甚至死亡。因此,必须对ILD进行仔细的诊断和管理。由于缺乏统一的诊断标准和积极的监测,报道的mTORi诱导的ILD发生率差异很大。由于非特异性的临床特征,如果怀疑存在mTORi诱导的ILD,应考虑广泛的鉴别诊断,包括(机会性)感染。导致ILD发展的确切机制或机制的相互作用尚待确定。考虑到mTOR抑制剂对免疫系统有多种作用,建议的机制可能是直接的毒性作用或是免疫介导的机制。 ILD的临床病程变化很大,难以预测。因此,区分何时可以安全地继续使用mTOR抑制剂与何时指示停用之间具有挑战性。在这篇综述中,我们对癌症患者中mTORi诱导的ILD的发生率,临床表现和病理生理进行了全面的综述。我们介绍了ILD的最新诊断标准,包括临床症状以及基本的肺功能检查和放射学异常。结合这些诊断标准,我们提供了详细且易于应用的临床管理算法。



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