首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >A method to estimate mortality trends when death certificates are imprecisely coded: an application to cervical cancer in Italy.

A method to estimate mortality trends when death certificates are imprecisely coded: an application to cervical cancer in Italy.


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Systematic analysis of mortality trends of cervix and corpus uteri cancers is difficult in Italy, as in many other countries, because of the poor specification of uterine cancer subsites in official death statistics. The aim of this article is to propose a method for the analysis of uterine cancers mortality based on high quality incidence and prevalence data from population-based cancer registries. The method assumes that the excess mortality of cancer patients, compared to death rates expected in the general population, is attributable to the specific cancer. The method is applied to estimate mortality trends for cancers of cervix, corpus and uterus as whole, during the period 1987-1999, in an area covered by 8 Italian cancer registries. Official mortality rates for the 2 subsites were about 60% lower than excess mortality rates, due to the very high proportion of deaths attributed to not specified subsite. Age adjusted cervical cancer excess mortality rates decreased from 3.7 to 2.7 x 100,000 women.Excess mortality for corpus uteri cancer remained approximately stable between 3 and 3.3 x 100,000 women in the period 1990-1999. The results support the efficacy of organized screening in reducing cervical cancer mortality. The same method can be used to assess mortality rates for every cancer entity identifiable in cancer registries data, not otherwise available from official death records.
机译:像许多其他国家一样,在意大利,很难对子宫颈癌和子宫体癌的死亡率趋势进行系统的分析,原因是官方死亡统计数据中子宫癌子位点的指定不明确。本文的目的是基于高质量的发病率和基于人群的癌症登记处的患病率数据,提出一种分析子宫癌死亡率的方法。该方法假定与一般人群中预期的死亡率相比,癌症患者的超额死亡率可归因于特定癌症。该方法用于估计1987年至1999年期间在8个意大利癌症登记所覆盖的地区中子宫颈,主体和整个子宫癌的死亡率趋势。这两个子站点的官方死亡率比超额死亡率低约60%,这是由于归因于未指定子站点的死亡比例很高。年龄调整后的子宫颈癌的超高死亡率从3.7妇女减少到2.7 x 100,000妇女。1990年至1999年期间,子宫体癌的超额死亡率在3至3.3 x 100,000妇女之间保持稳定。结果支持有组织的筛查降低宫颈癌死亡率的功效。可以使用相同的方法来评估在癌症登记数据中可识别的每个癌症实体的死亡率,而官方死亡记录中没有其他可用的方法。



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