首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biometeorology: Journal of the International Society of Biometeorology >The effects of slight pressure oscillations in the far infrasound frequency range on the pars flaccida in gerbil and rabbit ears

The effects of slight pressure oscillations in the far infrasound frequency range on the pars flaccida in gerbil and rabbit ears

机译:远次声频率范围内轻微的压力振荡对沙鼠和兔耳的pars flaccida的影响

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This study was designed to clarify whether the pars flaccida (PF) as a flexible part of the tympanic membrane is capable of reacting to pressure oscillations (PO) with amplitudes and frequencies typical for natural atmospheric pressure fluctuations in the far infrasound frequency range (APF). If so, the PF mechanical reactions to APF might be involved in the overall physiologic regulation processes, which make organisms susceptible to APF. The displacements of the PF in response to PO were measured in vitro in ears of gerbils and rabbits by means of laser Doppler vibrometry. The index of the PF reactivity (R(a)) was determined as the ratio of the amplitude of the PF oscillations (PFO) to the amplitude of the PO. All kinds of PO applied caused PFO. The amplitude of the PFO increased when the amplitude of the PO was increased. In gerbils, a decrease in R(a) with the increase in amplitude of the PO was observed. In the range of PO lowest amplitudes (4-20 Pa) R(a) proved to be 1.4 times higher than in the range of highest amplitudes (90-105 Pa). Considering that the natural APF are usually within the range of +/-20 Pa, this fact points to an important contribution of the PF to the pressure dynamics in the middle ear (ME) of gerbils. In rabbit ears, R(a) was lower and recovery from plastic deformation was slower than in gerbils. Our findings are in line with the suggestion that the PF might play an important role in respect of adaptation to natural APF.
机译:这项研究旨在弄清楚作为鼓膜的柔性部分的帕拉氏菌(PF)是否能够对压力振荡(PO)做出反应,其振幅和频率对于远次声频率范围(APF)来说是自然大气压力波动的典型值。如果是这样,PF对APF的机械反应可能参与了整个生理调节过程,这使生物易受APF影响。通过激光多普勒振动法在体外在沙鼠和兔子的耳朵中测量了PF对PO的响应位移。 PF反应性的指数(R(a))被确定为PF振荡的振幅(PFO)与PO的振幅之比。各种采购订单导致了PFO。当PO的幅度增加时,PFO的幅度增加。在沙鼠中,观察到R(a)随PO幅度的增加而降低。在PO的最低幅度(4-20 Pa)范围内,R(a)被证明比最高幅度(90-105 Pa)范围高1.4倍。考虑到自然APF通常在+/- 20 Pa的范围内,这一事实表明PF对沙鼠中耳(ME)压力动态的重要贡献。在兔耳中,R(a)较低,并且从塑性变形中恢复的速度比沙鼠慢。我们的发现与PF可能在适应天然APF方面起重要作用的建议相符。



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