首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives >Adhesive strength of metal brackets on existing composite, amalgam and restoration-enamel complex following air-abrasion protocols

Adhesive strength of metal brackets on existing composite, amalgam and restoration-enamel complex following air-abrasion protocols


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Bracket adhesion on restored tooth surfaces is occasionally necessary in clinical orthodontic practice. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of two air-abrasion methods on adhesion of metal brackets to enamel, resin composite, amalgam and composite/amalgam-enamel complexes. Cavities in standard dimensions (12.56 mm2) were filled with resin composite (Anterior Shine, Cavex) and amalgam (non-gamma 2, Cavex) on bovine incisors (N=40), which were then embedded in acrylic resin. Metal brackets were bonded on the following surfaces (n=10 per group): (1) enamel, (2) enamel-composite, (3) enamel-amalgam, (4) composite, and (5) amalgam. All restorative materials were either silica (SiO2)-coated (Cojet, 30 |im) and silanized (ESPE-Sil) or air-abraded with alumina (Korox, 50 u.m, A12O3) and silanized (Monobond Plus). Enamel was etched with H3PO4 for 30 s in Groups 1-3. Metal brackets were bonded onto the conditioned substrates. Specimens were stored in distilled water (24 h, 37 °C) following bonding. The brackets were then debonded using a Universal Testing Machine (1 mm/min). Shear bond strength (SBS) data were recorded and failure types were categorized. Data (MPa) were analyzed using 1-way and 2-way ANOVA, Tukey's post hoc test and 2-parameter Weibull distribution. While substrate type significantly affected the SBS (p< 0.001), surface conditioning did not show a significant effect (p=0.256). Interaction terms were not significant (p=0.159). Mean SBS was significantly higher (p< 0.001) on enamel (26.72 MPa), composite (29.97-31.37 MPa) and enamel+silica-coated composite complex (25.89 MPa) than those of other groups (10.96-20.64 MPa). The presence of amalgam resulted in the lowest SBS regardless of the conditioning method (10.96-12.41). Air-abrasion with Al2O3 followed by Monobond Plus and silica-coating and silanization did not show significant difference (p >0.05). Weibull distribution presented lower shape for restoration-enamel complexes (2.20-6.31) compared to single component surfaces (10.14-12.15). SBS on composite was similar to that of enamel but it presented predominantly cohesive failures. Failure types were frequently cohesive in composite alone or composite-enamel complex.
机译:在临床正畸实践中,有时需要在恢复的牙齿表面上附着支架。这项研究的目的是比较两种空气磨蚀方法对金属支架与搪瓷,树脂复合材料,汞齐和复合/汞齐-搪瓷复合物粘附的影响。在标准尺寸(12.56平方毫米)的型腔中,在牛门齿(N = 40)上填充树脂复合材料(Anterior Shine,Cavex)和汞齐(非伽玛2,Cavex),然后将其嵌入丙烯酸树脂中。金属支架粘结在以下表面上(每组n = 10):( 1)搪瓷,(2)搪瓷复合材料,(3)搪瓷汞齐,(4)复合材料和(5)汞齐。所有的修复材料都是涂有二氧化硅(SiO2)的涂层(Cojet,30im)和硅烷化的(ESPE-Sil)或用氧化铝(Korox,50 u.m,Al2O3)进行空气研磨和硅烷化的(Monobond Plus)。在1-3组中,用H3PO4蚀刻搪瓷30秒钟。将金属托架粘结到经调节的基材上。结合后将样品保存在蒸馏水中(24小时,37°C)。然后使用万能试验机(1mm / min)将托架脱粘。记录抗剪强度(SBS)数据,并对破坏类型进行分类。使用1向和2向方差分析,Tukey事后检验和2参数Weibull分布分析数据(MPa)。尽管基材类型对SBS有显着影响(p <0.001),但表面处理并未显示出显着效果(p = 0.256)。互动条件不显着(p = 0.159)。搪瓷(26.72 MPa),复合材料(29.97-31.37 MPa)和搪瓷+二氧化硅涂层复合复合材料(25.89 MPa)的平均SBS显着高于其他组(10.96-20.64 MPa)(p <0.001)。无论采用何种调节方法,汞齐的存在都会导致最低的SBS(10.96-12.41)。先用Al2O3空气研磨,再用Monobond Plus进行空气研磨,再进行二氧化硅涂层和硅烷化处理,则无显着性差异(p> 0.05)。与单组分表面(10.14-12.15)相比,威布尔分布呈现的修复体-釉质复合物(2.20-6.31)形状较低。复合材料上的SBS与搪瓷相似,但主要表现为内聚破坏。在单独的复合材料或复合材料-搪瓷复合物中,失效类型通常具有内聚性。



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