首页> 外文期刊>International journal of antimicrobial agents >Assessment of oral ivermectin versus shampoo in the treatment of pediculosis (head lice infestation) in rural areas of Sine-Saloum, Senegal

Assessment of oral ivermectin versus shampoo in the treatment of pediculosis (head lice infestation) in rural areas of Sine-Saloum, Senegal


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Reports of treatment failure and the emergence of resistance to topical head lice treatments have become increasingly common, driving the need for continued development of new therapeutic options for pediculosis. Ivermectin has been proposed as a potential alternative for the treatment of pediculosis but has not been sufficiently evaluated. In this study, the effectiveness of oral ivermectin versus shampoo in the treatment of pediculosis in Senegal was compared. The study was conducted in two neighbouring villages of Sine-Saloum, Senegal: Dielmo (ivermectin trial group; 201 female participants) and Ndiop (shampoo trial group; 239 female participants). In the ivermectin group, patients received two doses of oral ivermectin (400 mu g/kg body weight; Mectizan (R)) 7 days apart. In contrast, the shampoo group received a shampoo treatment based on D-phenothrin (0.23%; Hegor (R)). At the beginning of the study, 70 (34.8%) of 201 participants in the ivermectin group were infested by head lice versus 145 (60.7%) of 239 participants in the shampoo group. At Day 15 post-treatment, the efficacy of the treatment against head lice reached 41/53 (77.4%) in the ivermectin group (53 patients were tested in this group) versus 42/130 (32.3%) in the shampoo group (130 patients were tested in this group) (P < 10(-7)). However, 4 (7.5%) of the 53 females in the ivermectin group exhibited probable ivermectin treatment failure, suggesting the emergence of ivermectin-resistant lice. This study demonstrates that oral ivermectin is highly effective for the treatment of pediculosis compared with shampoo, but also suggests that ivermectin resistance may emerge during treatment. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
机译:关于治疗失败和对局部头虱治疗产生抗药性的报道已变得越来越普遍,从而推动了持续开发新的治疗儿童脚病的需求。伊维菌素已被提议作为治疗儿童脚病的潜在替代品,但尚未得到充分评估。在这项研究中,比较了口服伊维菌素和洗发水在塞内加尔的小儿ic病治疗中的有效性。这项研究是在塞内加尔Sine-Saloum的两个相邻村庄进行的:Dielmo(伊维菌素试验组; 201名女性参与者)和Ndiop(洗发水试验组; 239名女性参与者)。在伊维菌素组中,患者隔7天接受两剂口服伊维菌素(400μg / kg体重; Mectizan(R))。相比之下,洗发剂组接受了基于D-酚酞(0.23%; Hegor(R))的洗发剂治疗。在研究开始时,伊维菌素组的201名参与者中有70名(34.8%)被头虱感染,而洗发剂组的239名参与者中有145名(60.7%)被虱子侵染。在治疗后的第15天,伊维菌素组(该组测试了53例患者)对头虱的治疗功效达到41/53(77.4%),而洗发水组(130)达到了42/130(32.3%)。在该组中对患者进行了测试)(P <10(-7))。但是,伊维菌素组的53名女性中有4名(7.5%)表现出可能的伊维菌素治疗失败,表明出现了伊维菌素耐药性虱子。这项研究表明口服伊维菌素与洗发剂相比在治疗儿童脚癣方面非常有效,但也表明在治疗过程中可能出现伊维菌素耐药性。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.和国际化学疗法学会。版权所有。



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