首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research >Influence of Different Levels of Azotobacter, PSB Alone and in Combination on Vegetative Growth, Flowering, Yield and Quality of Strawberry cv.Chandler

Influence of Different Levels of Azotobacter, PSB Alone and in Combination on Vegetative Growth, Flowering, Yield and Quality of Strawberry cv.Chandler


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An experiment was done during 2008-09 and 2009-10 to study the influence of Azotobacter and PSB alone and in combination on vegetative growth, flowering, yield and quality of strawberry cv. Chandler. For this one year old runners of strawberry cv. Chandler were planted at the spacing of 30 x 30 cm on 8-10 cm raised beds of 60 x 60 cm accommodating four plants per bed. There were nine treatments comprising two levels each of Azotobacter, PSB (5 and 6 Kg/ha) and their combination along with one control, replicated thrice in Randomized Block Design. Five kg of FYM was applied as a basal dose in all treatments. The data of both the years of experiment were analysed and pooled data of both years clearly show that combined application of Azotobacter and PSB (each at 6 Kg/ha) significantly increased the height of plant (19.29 cm), number of leaves (64.31), crowns (7.17), runners (5.26), number of flowers(67.27) and fruits set (37.88) per plant. Maximum duration of harvesting (70.90 days) and minimum number of days taken to produce first flower(56.69 days) and fruit set (6.12 days) with significantly more yield (322.17 g/plant) were also observed in Azotobacter and PSB (each at 6 Kg/ha) fertilized plants. So far as the quality characters of berries are concerned, plants fertilized with Azotobacter and PSB (each at 6 Kg/ha) also produced berries with maximum length (4.63 cm), width (2.64 cm), weight (8.48 g),volume (6.14 cc), TSS (10.30~0 Brix), total sugars (9.54%), ascorbic acid (57.55 mg/l00g edible material) with minimum titratable acidity (0.548 %) contents in comparison to untreated plants under plains of Central Uttar Pradesh (India).
机译:在2008-09年和2009-10年之间进行了一项实验,研究了单双歧杆菌和PSB以及二者结合对草莓简历营养生长,开花,产量和品质的影响。钱德勒。对于这一岁的草莓简历跑步者。将钱德勒以30×30cm的间隔种植在60×60cm的8-10cm升高的床上,每床可容纳四株植物。在随机区组设计中,共有9种治疗方法,包括两种水平的共沸细菌PSB(5和6 Kg / ha)及其组合,以及一种对照,重复三次。在所有治疗中均以5千克FYM作为基础剂量。对这两年的数据进行了分析,并汇总了这两年的数据,这些结果清楚地表明,联合应用固氮菌和PSB(每公斤6 Kg / ha)显着增加了株高(19.29 cm),叶片数(64.31) ,每棵植物的冠(7.17),流道(5.26),花数(67.27)和结果(37.88)。在共沸细菌和PSB中也观察到最大收获持续时间(70.90天)和产生第一朵花的最小天数(56.69天)和坐果时间(6.12天),产量显着更高(322.17 g /株)(每个都在6 (公斤/公顷)受精植物。就浆果的品质特性而言,用Azotobacter和PSB施肥的植物(每株6 Kg / ha)还产生了最大长度(4.63 cm),宽度(2.64 cm),重量(8.48 g),体积(与未经处理的北方北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)平原植物相比(6.14 cc),TSS(10.30〜0白利糖度),总糖(9.54%),抗坏血酸(57.55 mg / 100g食用材料)的最低可滴定酸度(0.548%)印度)。



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