首页> 外文期刊>International Dairy Journal >Effect of oral administration of freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus on small bowel bacterial overgrowth in patients with end stage kidney disease: reducing uremic toxins and improving nutrition

Effect of oral administration of freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus on small bowel bacterial overgrowth in patients with end stage kidney disease: reducing uremic toxins and improving nutrition


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A study showed that 2 strains of L, acidophilus (LA, NCFM and BG2F04) can lower the toxin, dimethylamine (DMA), and the carcinogen nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), in the blood and improve nutrition. In 19 dialysis patients, treatment with twice daily oral doses of 109 c.f.u. LA/80-mg capsule resulted in a significant decrease in blood DMA from 282±91 to 163±82μg/100 ml. In a subgroup of 7 patients, blood NDMA decreased by an average of 46% from 236±69 to 118±38 ng/kg blood. In 6 of the 19 patients, 2nutritional parameters (body weight and energy intake) increased (from 49.8±3.8 to 51.4±3.8 kg and from 27.9±3.7 to 32.4±8.2 kcal/kg respectively). It is concluded that there may be a positive role for LA for patients on dialysis with end-stage kidney failure.
机译:一项研究表明,嗜酸乳杆菌的两种菌株(LA,NCFM和BG2F04)可以降低血液中的毒素,二甲基胺(DMA)和致癌物亚硝基二甲基胺(NDMA)并改善营养。在19位透析患者中​​,每天两次口服109 c.f.u. LA / 80-mg胶囊导致血液DMA从282±91大大降低至163±82μg/ 100 ml。在一个由7名患者组成的亚组中,血液NDMA从236±69 ng / kg血液平均下降了46%。在这19名患者中,有6名患者的2种营养参数(体重和能量摄入)增加了(分别从49.8±3.8千克增加到51.4±3.8千克,从27.9±3.7千克增加到32.4±8.2千卡/千克)。结论是,对于终末期肾衰竭的透析患者,LA可能具有积极作用。



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