首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >An Analysis of Variables to Predict Traffic Fatalities Based on the Characteristics of Road Transport Infrastructure In Indonesia

An Analysis of Variables to Predict Traffic Fatalities Based on the Characteristics of Road Transport Infrastructure In Indonesia


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The Andreassen's prediction model (1985) with the variables of population and vehicles to predict actual fatalities has been used in Indonesia. These variables need to be investigated and re-examined to suit the demographic characteristics of Indonesia with its vast area, large population, the largest number of vehicles among ASEAN countries, long road infrastructure, and poor driver discipline. This study aimed to determine which variables, out of the eight analyzed, namely population, vehicle, area, road length, driver behavior, licensed drivers, mobility, and accessibility, can be used to predict the number of actual fatalities in Indonesia. Employing a criterion-referenced test, linear correlation coefficient between variables, and correlation analysis of each variable with fatalities, the findings show: (1) The variables of 'population', 'vehicle', and 'accessibility' are the selected variables that have strong and significant effects on actual fatality number prediction; (2) The variable of licensed drivers has no positive effect on driver behavior; (3) The variable of poor driver behavior has a negative effect on actual fatality number prediction in Indonesia and to the other variables under research. Based on our research, we conclude that Andreassen model (1985) is not suitable for fatality prediction in Indonesia. It is recommended that road safety researchers in Indonesia develop fatality prediction models by considering the three selected variables in this study; thus, a new fatality prediction model which is in accordance with the characteristics of areas and road transport infrastructures in Indonesia can be obtained. [EH1] (231).
机译:印度尼西亚使用了具有人口和车辆变量的Andreassen的预测模型(1985年)来预测实际死亡人数。需要对这些变量进行调查和重新检查,以适应印度尼西亚人口众多,人口众多,东盟国家中车辆数量最多,道路基础设施长和驾驶员纪律不佳的人口特征。这项研究旨在确定在分析的八个变量中,哪些变量(人口,车辆,面积,道路长度,驾驶员行为,有执照的驾驶员,机动性和可及性)可以用来预测印度尼西亚的实际死亡人数。通过使用标准参照测试,变量之间的线性相关系数以及每个变量与致死性的相关性分析,发现表明:(1)“人口”,“车辆”和“可及性”变量是具有以下特征的选定变量:对实际死亡人数预测有重大影响; (2)持照驾驶员的变量对驾驶员的行为没有积极影响; (3)不良驾驶员行为的变量对印度尼西亚的实际死亡人数预测以及正在研究的其他变量具有负面影响。根据我们的研究,我们得出结论,Andreassen模型(1985)不适合印度尼西亚的死亡预测。建议印度尼西亚的道路安全研究人员通过考虑本研究中选择的三个变量来开发死亡率预测模型。因此,可以获得与印度尼西亚的地区和道路运输基础设施的特征相符的新的死亡率预测模型。 [EH1](231)。



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