首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Soil Science >Applicability of the LISEM (limburg soil erosion model) model for hydrological simulation in a tropical watershed.

Applicability of the LISEM (limburg soil erosion model) model for hydrological simulation in a tropical watershed.


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The most important parameters of the LISEM model associated to surface runoff production (antecedent soil moisture and soil layer thickness), were calibrated by individual precipitation events in the Marcela Creek Watershed, Alto Rio Grande Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hydrological effects of different land uses in the watershed were also simulated. The model was highly sensitivity to soil moisture, which was the most important calibration parameter. The influence of the water balance layer was related to the soil moisture during calibration. It was observed that the deeper the soil layer, the greater the soil moisture required to calibrate the model. Results of simulation showed that the peak discharges were reduced under native forest, eucalyptus plantation and 35-month-old coffee plantation, respectively, by 37.6, 42.2 and 28.0%, in the case of a precipitation event of 48 mm/h. The results of the hydrological model LISEM in hydrological simulations of direct surface runoff were satisfactory, suggesting that it may be used for hydrological behaviour prediction in tropical watersheds after adequately calibrated.
机译:LISEM模型中与地表径流产生有关的最重要参数(前期土壤水分和土壤层厚度)已通过巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州上里奥格兰德地区的Marcela Creek流域的个别降水事件进行了校准。还模拟了流域内不同土地利用的水文影响。该模型对土壤水分非常敏感,这是最重要的校准参数。校准过程中水平衡层的影响与土壤湿度有关。可以看出,土壤层越深,校准模型所需的土壤水分就越大。模拟结果表明,在降水量为48 mm / h的情况下,原生林,桉树人工林和35个月大的咖啡人工林的峰值排放量分别减少了37.6%,42.2%和28.0%。在直接地表径流的水文模拟中,水文模型LISEM的结果令人满意,这表明经过适当校准后,它可以用于热带流域的水文行为预测。



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