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President's Opening Remarks to the 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management


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I am happy to welcome you today to the 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. This is the second IBA conference to be held in Alaska. The first, in 1995, took place on the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, campus and brought together the largest group of bear biologists ever before assembled. This conference has done the same. I want to thank Grant Hilderbrand and all of his many committee members, for taking on this daunting project. I extend special thanks to WWF Alaska, Brandi Worden, and Margaret Williams, who stepped up at a critical moment to shoulder primary sponsorship for the conference, guaranteeing the financial bottom line.
机译:今天,我很高兴欢迎您参加第24届熊研究与管理国际会议。这是第二次在阿拉斯加举行的IBA会议。第一次是在1995年,在阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校的校园里举行,汇集了有史以来最大的熊生物学家。这次会议也做同样的事情。我要感谢格兰特·希尔德布兰德(Grant Hilderbrand)和他的许多委员会成员所做的艰巨项目。我要特别感谢世界自然基金会的阿拉斯加,布兰迪·沃登和玛格丽特·威廉姆斯,他们在关键时刻加紧为会议提供主要赞助,以保证财务底线。



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