
New beginnings.


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Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have enjoyed the festive season and made some New Year's resolutions that you are sticking to. The New Year is always a hopeful time for me-a new beginning-and these new beginnings make my thoughts turn to midwifery and all the new beginnings midwives are so closely involved in. As I write this, a little babe, destined to be the first born of 2013, is still relaxing comfortably in the womb. By the time you read this that little babe will be out and about, helped on bis or her way by a midwife. The year 2012 was an interesting one for midwifery.1 The TV drama series 'Call the Midwife', set in the East End of London and based on the books written by Heidi Thomas recounting the memories of Jennifer Worth, was very popular and entertaining. It was also a clear reminder of how much we have moved on in the past 60 years or so in terms of our standards of living, public health and public expectations as well as maternity care. Another TV drama 'Downton Abbey' featured the sad case of a young woman dying of pre-eclampsia-leading to a bit of an informal and retrospective incident review between myself and our medical director!
机译:祝您们新年快乐!希望您在节日期间过得愉快,并坚持了一些新年的决心。新年对我来说一直是一个充满希望的时期-一个新的开始-这些新的开始使我的思想转向助产士,所有新的开始都与助产士密切相关。在我撰写本文时,有一个小宝贝,注定是头胎于2013年出生,至今仍在子宫内舒舒服服地放松。到您读到这篇文章时,在助产士或她的助产士的帮助下,小宝贝会四处走动。 2012年对于助产士来说是一个有趣的年份。1电视连续剧《叫助产士》(Call the Midwife)设在伦敦东区,改编自海蒂·托马斯(Heidi Thomas)讲述珍妮弗·沃思的回忆的书籍,非常受欢迎且有趣。这也清楚地提醒我们,在过去60年左右的时间里,我们在生活水平,公共卫生和公众期望以及产妇保健方面取得了很大进展。另一部电视剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)讲述了一个年轻女子死于先兆子痫的悲惨案例,导致我和我们的医疗总监之间进行了非正式的回顾性事件回顾!



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