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Systematic review on the efficacy of fexofenadine in seasonal allergic rhinitis: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials.


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RATIONALE: Evidence-based medicine represents the effort to highlight the best intervention for patients, clinicians, and policy makers, each from their respective viewpoint, to solve a particular health condition. According to a recently diffused grading system of evidence and recommendations for medical interventions, efficacy and safety represent 2 of the most important features to consider, and data from meta-analyses of randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) is the strongest supporting demonstration. Fexofenadine has been used for its efficacy and safety in the treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR) for many years although no meta-analyses supporting its use currently exist. The aim of this study is to assess for the first time the efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in the treatment of AR by means of a meta-analytic analysis of existing RCTs. Since specific evidence should be provided to address recommendations in a pediatric population, the quality of the estimates of this subgroup analysis is assessed. METHODS: All double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trials assessing the efficacy of fexofenadine in AR were searched for in OVID, Medline, and Embase databases up to December 2007. Outcomes were extracted from original articles; when this information was not available, the authors of each trial were contacted. Some graphics were digitalized. The RevMan 5 program was used to perform the analysis. GradePro 3.2.2 was used to assess the quality of the evidence for a pediatric population. RESULTS: Of 2,152 identified articles, 20 were potentially relevant trials. Eight studies satisfied the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. The main reasons for exclusion were: unnatural exposure, strong study limitations, an atypical outcome measurement, a design for other outcomes, and not being a placebo-controlled, single-blind study. Seven trials investigated a mixed population of adults and children, 1 trial investigated only children, and 1 trial only adults. In 1,833 patients receiving fexofenadine (1,699 placebo), a significant reduction of the daily reflective total symptom scores (TSS) (SMD -0.42; 95% CI -0.49 to -0.35, p < 0.00001) was found. Positive results were also found for morning instantaneous TSS and individual nasal symptom scores (sneezing, rhinorrhea, itching, and congestion). The safety analysis did not show a significant difference in reported adverse events (AE) between the active and placebo treatment groups (OR = 1.03; 95% CI 0.87-1.22, p = 0.75). A very low heterogeneity between the studies was detected, so a fixed-effects model was used. The mean quality level of the included trials was medium. Specific information for a pediatric population may be assumed with a moderate quality of evidence from only 1 study and with a low quality of evidence, mainly due to indirectness, from the others. CONCLUSIONS: This study has 5 major strengths: it represents the first attempt to evaluate the efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in the treatment of AR by means of a meta-analysis of RCTs; there was consistency between positive results in terms of efficacy in TSS and in individual symptoms; a large population was studied; there was an irrelevant interstudy heterogeneity, and the AE frequency was similar in both groups. All of these values encourage the recommendation of fexofenadine for AR. Further research focused on the benefits and disadvantages for a pediatric population is needed.
机译:理由:循证医学代表着着重于为患者,临床医生和决策者提供最佳干预措施,这些干预措施分别从各自的角度出发,以解决特定的健康状况。根据最近散布的医学干预证据和建议分级系统,疗效和安全性是要考虑的两个最重要特征,并且来自随机对照临床试验(RCT)荟萃分析的数据是最有力的支持证据。非索非那定已被用于治疗变应性鼻炎(AR)的功效和安全性已有多年历史,尽管目前尚无支持其使用的荟萃分析。这项研究的目的是通过对现有RCT进行荟萃分析,首次评估非索非那定治疗AR的疗效和安全性。由于应该提供具体的证据来解决儿科人群的建议,因此要评估该亚组分析的估计质量。方法:直到2007年12月,均在OVID,Medline和Embase数据库中搜索了所有评估非索非那定在AR中疗效的双盲,安慰剂对照随机试验。当无法获得此信息时,将联系每个试验的作者。一些图形被数字化。 RevMan 5程序用于执行分析。 GradePro 3.2.2用于评估儿科人群的证据质量。结果:在确定的2152篇文章中,有20篇可能是相关的试验。八项研究符合纳入标准,被纳入荟萃分析。排除的主要原因是:不自然的暴露,强烈的研究局限性,非典型的结局指标,针对其他结局的设计方案,以及不是安慰剂对照的单盲研究。七项试验调查了成年人和儿童的混合人口,其中一项试验仅调查了儿童,仅一项试验仅调查了成人。在1,833名接受非索非那定治疗的患者(1,699例安慰剂)中,发现每日反射总症状评分(TSS)显着降低(SMD -0.42; 95%CI -0.49至-0.35,p <0.00001)。早晨瞬时TSS和个别鼻部症状评分(打喷嚏,鼻漏,瘙痒和充血)也发现阳性结果。安全性分析未显示活性药物治疗组与安慰剂治疗组之间报告的不良事件(AE)有显着差异(OR = 1.03; 95%CI 0.87-1.22,p = 0.75)。研究之间检测到非常低的异质性,因此使用了固定效应模型。纳入试验的平均质量水平为中等。仅从一项研究中就可以得出适度的证据质量,而在其他方面则主要是由于间接性而导致的证据质量低,因此可以假定为儿科人群提供特定信息。结论:该研究有5个主要优点:它是通过RCT的荟萃分析评估非索非那定治疗AR的有效性和安全性的首次尝试;在TSS疗效和个体症状方面,阳性结果具有一致性;研究了大量人口;研究间的异质性无关,两组的不良事件发生频率相似。所有这些值都鼓励非索非那定用于AR。需要对儿童人群的利弊进行进一步研究。



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