首页> 外文期刊>British journal of sports medicine >High prevalence of medication use in professional football tournaments including the World Cups between 2002 and 2014: a narrative review with a focus on NSAIDs

High prevalence of medication use in professional football tournaments including the World Cups between 2002 and 2014: a narrative review with a focus on NSAIDs


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The use of medication in international football has been monitored since the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Team physicians were asked to provide information on prescribed medication 72 h prior to each match for every player. 69% of adult male players reported using medication, with more than half the players using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Up to one-third of all players used NSAIDs prior to every match, regardless of whether they took the field or not. The mean intake of medication was significantly higher during the FIFA Women's World Cup (0.85 vs 0.77 substances per player and per match in men, p<0.001), whereas the use of NSAIDs was similar to that for men. In the Under-20 and Under-17 male competitions, the use of medication was lower as 60% of players used some kind of medication and 43% of the players used NSAIDs during the tournaments. Despite the potential side effects of medication, especially of NSAIDs in the recovery process after a sports activity, there is no evidence of decreasing intake. The reported incidence is alarming, and moreover is most probably underestimated, since self-medication by the players or treatment already prescribed by club physicians is not included in the published reports. Future studies should focus on the daily dosage, time of treatment and especially the medical indication for painkilling agents to better understand the underlying factors.
机译:自2002年FIFA世界杯以来,对国际足球中药物的使用情况进行了监控。要求队医在每场比赛前72小时为每位球员提供有关处方药的信息。 69%的成年男性球员报告使用药物,一半以上的球员使用非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)。不论是否参加比赛,多达三分之一的球员在每次比赛前都使用过NSAID。在FIFA女足世界杯期间,平均药物摄入量明显更高(男子每人每次比赛0.85 vs 0.77物质,p <0.001),而NSAID的使用与男子相似。在20岁以下和17岁以下的男性比赛中,药物的使用率较低,因为60%的运动员在比赛期间使用某种药物,而43%的运动员使用NSAID。尽管药物的潜在副作用,尤其是体育锻炼后恢复过程中的非甾体类抗炎药的副作用,但没有证据表明摄入量会减少。报告的发病率令人震惊,而且最有可能被低估了,因为球员的自我服药或俱乐部医师已经规定的治疗措施未包含在公开的报告中。未来的研究应集中于每日剂量,治疗时间,尤其是止痛药的医学适应症,以更好地了解其潜在因素。



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