首页> 外文期刊>International emergency nursing >Do patients and clinicians differ in their assessment of suicidal intent after self-harm using the same suicide questionnaire scale?

Do patients and clinicians differ in their assessment of suicidal intent after self-harm using the same suicide questionnaire scale?


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There have been no studies looking at differences in clinicians and patients assessment of suicidal intent in adults after presenting to emergency departments with intentional self-harm. In a non-experimental correlational study patients were asked to complete the objective section of the Beck Suicide Intent Scale whilst clinicians, as part of their routine clinical evaluation, completed the same scale blind to the patients' ratings. Clinicians rated the suicide attempts consistently less seriously than the patients and there was poor agreement on individual questions (patients mean total score 6.86, clinicians mean total score 3.41, difference 3.45 (95% confidence interval 4.41-2.50) n=22, t=-7.52, p<. 0.01). The results may be explained by the requirement for clinicians to defend themselves against being overwhelmed by neediness, possibly leading to minimisation of the risk of suicide.
机译:尚无研究针对临床医生的差异以及患者在向急诊科故意故意伤害后对成人的自杀意图进行评估的情况。在一项非实验性的相关研究中,要求患者完成贝克自杀意向量表的客观部分,而临床医生作为常规临床评估的一部分,则填写了相同的量表,对患者的评分无视。临床医生对自杀未遂的评价始终低于患者,并且在各个问题上的一致性不佳(患者平均总得分6.86,临床平均总得分3.41,差异3.45(95%置信区间4.41-2.50)n = 22,t =- 7.52,p <0.01)。可以通过要求临床医生为自己辩护以免被需求所淹没,从而最大程度地降低自杀风险来解释这一结果。



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