首页> 外文期刊>Indian veterinary medical journal >In vitro study of the role of vitamin D_3 in activating the peripheral bovine blood monocytes pulsed with Mycobacterium bovis BCG

In vitro study of the role of vitamin D_3 in activating the peripheral bovine blood monocytes pulsed with Mycobacterium bovis BCG


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Bovine tuberculosis, a disease of public health importance, caused by Mycobacterium bovis has been a cause of great sufferings and economic losses to human beings and his livestock, particularly in the developing countries. The monocyte/macrophage is an important arm of the immune system, acts non-specifically to kill microorganisms, but mycobacteria multiply, persist and remain viable in resting monocytes (Edwards and Kirkpatrick. 1986; Aldwell et RAID.. 1996; Kremer et RAID., 1997). To kill this facultative intracellular pathogen, the activation of monocles is necessary (Rook, 1990). The role of vitamin D metabolites in immunomodulation and protection of macrophage from tubercle bacilli has been supported by several workers (Davies, 1985; Crowle and Ross, 1990; Lochner and Schneider, 1994), The antimycobacterial potential of activated monocytcs has been studied using rodent as model. The studies in cattle are few, hence, this study was conducted to evaluate the role of vitamin D_3 in activating peripheral bovine blood monocytes while combating M. bovis BCG.
机译:牛结核分枝杆菌引起的牛结核病是一种具有重要公共卫生意义的疾病,已成为人类及其牲畜遭受巨大苦难和经济损失的原因,特别是在发展中国家。单核细胞/巨噬细胞是免疫系统的重要组成部分,非特异性地杀死微生物,但分枝杆菌在静止的单核细胞中繁殖,持久并保持活力(Edwards和Kirkpatrick.1986; Aldwell等RAID.1996; Kremer等RAID。 (1997年)。为了杀死这种兼性的细胞内病原体,必须激活单核细胞(Rook,1990)。维生素D代谢物在免疫调节和保护巨噬细胞免受结核杆菌的作用中得到了一些工作者的支持(Davies,1985; Crowle和Ross,1990; Lochner和Schneider,1994)。作为模型。关于牛的研究很少,因此,该研究旨在评估维生素D_3在对抗牛分枝杆菌BCG的过程中在激活外周牛单核细胞中的作用。



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