首页> 外文期刊>Internal medicine. >Progression of Pneumoconiosis in Coal Miners after Cessation of Dust Exposure: A Longitudinal Study Based on Periodic Chest X-ray Examinations in Hokkaido, Japan

Progression of Pneumoconiosis in Coal Miners after Cessation of Dust Exposure: A Longitudinal Study Based on Periodic Chest X-ray Examinations in Hokkaido, Japan


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Background The progression rate of pneumoconiosis in retired coal miners over ten years has not been studied in Japan.Methods A retrospective longitudinal study was undertaken using chest X-rays of 1091 pneumoconiosis subjects in Hokkaido, Japan between 1985 and 2005.Results The final numbers of subjects were 207 (19% of the entry) after 1 decade and 85 (8%) after 2 decades. Sixty-two percent of 207 subjects after 1 decade and 29% of 85 showed progression in 2 decades. Thirty-one percent of ILO category 1 and 55% of category 2 subjects showed progression to complicated pneumoconiosis after 1 decade, and 6% (4 of 64) of category 1 and 6% (5 of 77) of category 2 subjects progressed to complicated pneumoconiosis during 2 decades.Conclusion The progression of pneumoconiosis was observed after the cessation of dust exposure, especially during the first 10 years.
机译:背景尚未在日本研究退休煤矿工人尘肺病的发病率十年以上的方法。方法采用回顾性纵向研究方法,对1985年至2005年日本北海道的1091例尘肺病患者进行了胸部X光检查。 1年后受试者为207(占参赛者的19%),2年后受试者为85(8%)。 1年后的207位受试者中有62%的人在2年后的进展为85%的29%。 10年后,国际劳工组织1类1%的受试者和55%2类的受试者显示发展为复杂的尘肺病,1类的6%(64的4)和2类的6%(77的5)进展为复杂结论:在尘埃暴露停止后,特别是在最初的10年中,观察到尘肺病的进展。



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