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Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) isBeing Accepted as a New Procedure of Endoscopic Treatment of Early Gastric Cancer


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Endoscopic treatment of early gastrointestinal cancers has been shown to be effective in cure of mucosal malignancies without lymph node metastasis. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) designed to remove mucosal lesions by section through the submucosa is the most important technique for endoscopic treatment of early gastric cancers (1, 2). According to gastric cancer treatment guidelines issued in March 2001 by the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA), EMR should be indicated for patients with small mucosal cancer and no concomitant lymph node metastasis (3). Intestinal type (well and/or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma and/or papillary carcinoma) mucosal cancers without evidence of ulcer or ulcer scar measuring less than 2 cm in diameter for the superficially elevated (Ila) type, or less than 1 cm in diameter for the flat (lib) and depressed (He) types are included in EMR indication. En-bloc resection is preferable because of the risk of residual cancer left behind EMR. En-bloc resectionwas achieved in 76% of EMR cases from analysis of 12 major institutions in Japan (4). Although various EMR techniques have been developed for the purpose of removing gastric lesions easier, the guideline indicates that 2cm is maximum cancer size of en-bloc resection (4-6). However, gastric mucosal cancers with a diameter of more than 2 cm with no lymph node metastasis have been detected. For example intestinal mucosal cancers without ulceration and involvement of the lymphatic or venous vessels have practically no risk of lymph node metastasis irrespective of tumor size (7). New technique has been required to expand the indications for EMR in selected situations that have no risks of lymph node metastasis. The recently developed EMR procedure, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), makes en-bloc resection possible for mucosal cancers greater than 2cm in diameter (8-12).
机译:内镜治疗早期胃肠道癌症已被证明可有效治愈粘膜恶性肿瘤而无淋巴结转移。旨在通过粘膜下部分切除粘膜病变的内镜粘膜切除术(EMR)是内镜治疗早期胃癌的最重要技术(1、2)。根据日本胃癌协会(JGCA)在2001年3月发布的胃癌治疗指南,对于患有小粘膜癌且无伴发淋巴结转移的患者,应使用EMR(3)。肠型(高分化和/或中度分化的腺癌和/或乳头状癌)粘膜癌,无溃疡或溃疡疤痕的证据,表浅隆起型(Ila)直径小于2厘米,或直径小于1厘米EMR指示中包括平面(lib)和沮丧(He)类型。大块切除是优选的,因为EMR留下了残留癌症的风险。通过对日本12个主要机构的分析,在76%的EMR病例中实现了大块切除(4)。尽管已开发出各种EMR技术以更轻松地清除胃部病变,但该指南指出,整块切除术的最大癌症大小为2cm(4-6)。但是,已发现直径超过2 cm且无淋巴结转移的胃粘膜癌。例如,无溃疡且无淋巴管或静脉管受累的肠粘膜癌实际上无淋巴结转移的风险,而与肿瘤的大小无关(7)。在没有淋巴结转移风险的特定情况下,需要一种新技术来扩大EMR的适应症。最近开发的EMR程序,内窥镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD),使得大肠切除术可用于直径大于2cm的黏膜癌(8-12)。



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