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The appearance and status of the St Kilda Wren


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This short paper summarises all known data on the population size and trends of the St Kilda Wren Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis, now included as a taxon monitored by the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. The appearance of this distinctive subspecies of Wren is discussed briefly and illustrated. The St Kilda Wren Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis occurs only on the archipelago after which it is named, which lies approximately 70 km west of Harris, in the Outer Hebrides, and comprises four main islands: Hirta, Dun, Soay and Boreray. The St Kilda Wren has the most distinctive appearance of all the subspecies of Wren in Britain, being on average bigger-bodied, longer-billed and with paler plumage than the Fair Isle Wren T. t. fridariensis, Shetland Wren T. t. zetlandicus, Hebridean Wren T. t. hebridensis, and UK mainland Wrens, T. t. indigenus and T. t. troglodytes.
机译:这篇简短的论文总结了所有已知的有关圣基尔达W族穴居动物trotyldys hirtensis的数量和趋势的数据,现在已作为稀有种鸟委员会监测的分类单元。对ren的这一独特亚种的外观进行了简要讨论和说明。仅有的群岛上才有St Kilda Wren Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis,该群岛位于外赫布里底群岛哈里斯以西约70公里处,由四个主要岛屿组成:赫塔,邓,苏伊和博雷雷。 St Kilda Wren在英国Wren的所有亚种中都具有最独特的外观,与Fair Isle Wren T. t。平均相比,其体型更大,帐单更长,羽毛更浅。设得兰群岛弗里达里(fridariensis) zetlandicus,Hebridean Wren T. t。 hebridensis和英国大陆的Wrens,T. t。土著和T. t。穴居人。



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