首页> 外文期刊>Injury >The preoperative prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in patients with femoral neck fractures and delayed operation.

The preoperative prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in patients with femoral neck fractures and delayed operation.


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Out of 61 consecutive patients admitted for femoral neck fracture 21 patients had a delay to operation for more than 48 h from the time of injury. We studied these patients prospectively for the presence of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). 13 (62%) had venographic evidence of thrombosis. All occurred in the broken limb. Five patients had bilateral thrombosis. The delay alone seems to be the major risk factor for thrombosis irrespective of age, fracture type, premorbid mobility and coexisting illness. The prevalence of preoperative DVT 48 h after injury approaches the reported postoperative incidence of DVT, which suggests that DVT will occur in a high proportion of patients regardless of treatment and prophylaxis. We recommend that those patients, in whom operation is delayed, should be routinely investigated for the presence of thrombosis preoperatively and a prophylactic vena cava filter should be considered when major deep vein thrombosis occurred.
机译:在连续61例因股骨颈骨折而入院的患者中,有21例从受伤时间开始手术延迟超过48小时。我们对这些患者进行了前瞻性研究,以了解是否存在深静脉血栓形成(DVT)。 13例(62%)有静脉血栓形成证据。所有发生在断肢。五例患者有双侧血栓形成。不论年龄,骨折类型,病态前活动性和并存疾病,仅延迟就似乎是血栓形成的主要危险因素。受伤后48 h的术前DVT患病率接近所报道的DVT术后发病率,这表明无论治疗和预防措施,DVT都会在很大比例的患者中发生。我们建议对那些手术延迟的患者进行术前常规检查是否存在血栓形成,当发生大的深静脉血栓形成时应考虑使用预防性腔静脉滤器。



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