首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Synchronized contractive movement of Amaurobius ferox spiderlings

Synchronized contractive movement of Amaurobius ferox spiderlings


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During the post-matriphagy period, Amaurobius ferox spiderlings (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) show synchronous movement, contracting their bodies simultaneously. This paper describes this behavior for the first time and identifies influencing factors. The spiderlings' contractions triggered by web vibration caused by intruders result in a strong pulsation of the whole web that a single individual would not be able to induce by itself. Repetition of the contractions was synchronized among individuals (n = 60 clutches). The movement appeared on the first day after matriphagy. The proportion of participants was maximum on the third day post-matriphagy, when on average 60.7% of the individuals were involved; thereafter the synchronicity progressively decreased. The spiderling groups performed contractions at the highest frequency on the fourth day post-matriphagy, and stopped contracting after the second molt. Experiments using mechanical stimuli produced by an electronic vibrator and a cricket's movement showed that the vibrational intensity of the external stimuli was positively correlated with the number of contractions performed. Nestmate presence increased the number of contractions performed by individuals, and members of densely packed groups showed more contractions per individual than those in less dense groups. Contractions appeared only during the period when the mother was absent (after matriphagy, or when the mother was removed after the first molt of spiderlings and before matriphagy), and the young were not yet capable of capturing prey. Contractions may function as an antipredatory behavior.
机译:在食后时期,Amorobius ferox幼蛛(Araneae,Amaurobiidae)显示出同步运动,同时使它们的身体收缩。本文首次描述了这种行为,并确定了影响因素。入侵者引起的网幅振动触发蜘蛛的收缩会导致整个网幅的强烈搏动,单个人将无法自己引起这种波动。收缩的重复在个体之间同步(n = 60个离合器)。运动开始于母体运动后的第一天。参与者的比例在母乳喂养后的第三天达到最大,当时平均有60.7%的人参与其中。此后,同步性逐渐降低。蛛网捕捞组在矩阵扫描后的第四天以最高频率执行收缩,并在第二次蜕皮后停止收缩。使用电子振动器产生的机械刺激和板球运动的实验表明,外部刺激的振动强度与收缩次数呈正相关。内巢伴侣的存在增加了个体执行收缩的次数,而密集人群的成员显示的每个人的收缩要比不那么密集人群的收缩更多。宫缩只在母亲不在场的时候出现(成年后,或者在第一次蜕变后和成年前被移走),而年幼的还不能捕获猎物。收缩可能起反掠夺行为。



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