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Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation: Strategies in Europe, the US and Japan


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This book addresses some important questions relating to the goals and process of national environmental policy-making. It draws on the experience of six countries with relatively long involvement in this field: the US, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and France. The book focuses particularly on the interaction between environmental and industry policies, arguing that policy-making at this interface will be crucial in determining success or otherwise in achieving sustainable development. It sets out some elements for success, stressing the importance of the relationship between policy-makers and industry. As a personal view of how to reconcile national policies on environment and industrial competitiveness, the book deserves to be widely read in developing as well as developed countries. How can national governments raise environmental standards in an economically efficient way? This question is becoming increasingly important for policy-makers and societies, argues David Wallace in Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation. On the one hand, there is a widely accepted need for higher environmental standards - in industry and elsewhere - and the goal of sustainable development is making the challenge of meeting this need qualitatively as well as quantitatively more difficult. On the other hand, the globalization of the world economy is leading to ever greater overlap between policies for competitiveness and environmental protection. The link between the two factors is industrial innovation, which is the key both to raising standards of environmental protection and to maintaining or improving competitiveness.
机译:本书解决了一些与国家环境政策制定目标和过程有关的重要问题。它借鉴了六个在该领域投入相对较长时间的国家的经验:美国,日本,德国,荷兰,丹麦和法国。该书特别着重于环境政策与产业政策之间的相互作用,认为在该界面上制定政策对于确定成功或实现可持续发展至关重要。它列出了一些成功要素,强调了政策制定者与行业之间关系的重要性。作为如何调和有关环境和工业竞争力的国家政策的个人观点,这本书在发展中国家和发达国家都应得到广泛的阅读。各国政府如何以经济有效的方式提高环境标准?戴维·华莱士(David Wallace)在《环境政策与工业创新》中指出,这个问题对决策者和社会而言变得越来越重要。一方面,在工业界和其他地方,对更高环境标准的需求已被广泛接受,而可持续发展的目标正在使从质量和数量上满足这一需求的挑战变得更加困难。另一方面,世界经济的全球化导致竞争力和环境保护政策之间的重叠越来越大。这两个因素之间的联系是工业创新,这既是提高环境保护标准,又是维持或提高竞争力的关键。



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