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SJTs as Measures of General Domain Knowledge for Multimedia Formats: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?


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Lievens and Motowidlo (2016) present a case for situational judgment tests (SJTs) to be conceptualized as measures of general domain knowledge, which the authors define as knowledge of the effectiveness of general domains such as integrity, conscientiousness, and prosocial behaviors in different jobs. This argument comes from work rooted in the use of SJTs as measures of implicit trait policies (Motowidlo & Beier, 2010; Motowidlo, Hooper, & Jackson, 2006), measured with a format described as a single response SJT (Kell, Motowidlo, Martin, Stotts, & Moreno, 2014; Motowidlo, Crook, Kell, & Naemi, 2009). Given evidence that SJTs can be used as measures of general domain knowledge, the focal article concludes with a suggestion that general knowledge can be measured not only by traditional text-based or paper-and-pencil SJTs but also through varying alternate formats, including multimedia SJTs and interactive SJTs.
机译:Lievens和Motowidlo(2016)提出了一种将情境判断测试(SJT)概念化为通用领域知识的度量的案例,作者将其定义为对通用领域有效性的知识,例如完整性,尽责性和不同工作中的亲社会行为。该论点源自扎根于将SJT用作隐性特质策略的度量的工作(Motowidlo&Beier,2010; Motowidlo,Hooper,&Jackson,2006),其计量方式被描述为单一回应SJT(Kell,Motowidlo,Martin) ,Stotts和&Moreno,2014; Motowidlo,Crook,Kell和Naemi,2009)。鉴于有证据表明可以将SJT用作一般领域知识的度量,因此重点文章的结论是,不仅可以通过传统的基于文本的或纸笔铅笔的SJT来衡量常识,而且还可以通过各种替代格式(包括多媒体)来衡量SJT和交互式SJT。



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