首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Soil Conservation >Vegetative barrier with contour staggered trenches for resource conservation in new tea plantations of the Nilgiris, India.

Vegetative barrier with contour staggered trenches for resource conservation in new tea plantations of the Nilgiris, India.


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A field experiment was conducted at Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Udhagamandalam, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India, to evaluate vegetative barriers with Contour Staggered Trenches (CST) in new tea plantation for erosion control on 24% land slope. Vegetative barriers of Tripsacum laxum with CST and Cymbopogon flexuousus with CST were more efficient in soil erosion control in new tea plantation and were effective in reducing run-off and soil loss compared to vegetative barrier of Eragrostis curvula with CST, Vetivera zizanoides with CST and control. Yield of green tea leaves did not very among the vegetative barriers. Tea canopy and runoff relationship was positive and exponential (r2=0.990).
机译:在印度泰米尔纳德邦尼吉里斯市乌德哈甘曼达兰研究中心中央水土保持研究中心进行了田间试验,目的是利用轮廓交错沟槽(CST)评估新茶园的营养障碍,以控制24%的侵蚀土地坡度。与新的茶园相比,含CST的 Tripsacum laxum 和含CST的 Cymbopogon flexuousus 的营养屏障与新茶园相比,在土壤侵蚀控制中更有效,并且在减少径流和土壤流失方面更有效。 CST对草草的营养屏障,CST对草和香根草的营养屏障及控制。营养障碍中绿茶的产量不是很高。茶冠与径流的关系呈正指数关系(r 2 = 0.990)。



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