首页> 外文期刊>Australian Veterinary Practitioner >Overweight or Obese Cats Presented to Australian Veterinary Practices: Risk Factors and Prevalence

Overweight or Obese Cats Presented to Australian Veterinary Practices: Risk Factors and Prevalence


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The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of overweight cats attending Australian veterinary clinics and to identify predictor variables for cats being categorised as overweight and obese. Of the 973 cats reported as being other than underweight, approximately half were male and 919 were neutered. Two hundred and seventy-three were categorised as overweight (26.2%) and 69 (6.6%) as obese. Prevalence increased with age up to 10 years, then declined. Surprisingly, rural and semi-rural cats were more likely to be reported in the overweight and obese weight categories compared with urban cats. In the overweight and obese weight categories, domestic breeds were more likely to be reported than exotic breeds and desexed and male cats were more likely to be reported than entire and female cats.
机译:这项研究的目的是估计进入澳大利亚兽医诊所的超重猫的患病率,并确定被归类为超重和肥胖的猫的预测变量。在报告的973只体重不足的猫中,大约一半是雄性,而919只已绝育。 273名被归类为超重(26.2%),69被归类为肥胖(6.6%)。患病率随着年龄增长到10岁,然后下降。出乎意料的是,与城市猫相比,在超重和肥胖体重类别中更有可能报道农村和半农村猫。在超重和肥胖体重类别中,与外来品种和绝育相比,国内品种的报告可能性更高,而整只和雌性猫的报告可能性更大。



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