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The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art


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When Linda Dalrymple Henderson's The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art first appeared in 1983 it generated a lively discussion, most conspicuously in the pages of the journal Leonardo. Here was a book that undermined two of the central tenets of modernist theory: first that developments in art and science were linked not by any real connections or strong form of shared endeavour but by the fact that both partook of the modern spirit or zeitgeist; second, and more specifically, that Einsteinian relativity and cubism were in some way analogous embodiments of that spirit. By relentlessly pursuing the fate of two nineteenth-century developments-the non-Euclidean geometries and higher dimensions of her title-Henderson clearly showed that many of the avant-garde artworks so admired by critics for their formal innovation were at once more literal and more bizarre than anyone had previously suspected. Some were attempts to expound the geometrical occult' or to engage in multidimensional communion, some projected the enhanced intellect of four-dimensional man' and others explored the lonely but profound reaches of hyperspace. As she puts it in the Re-introduction' to this new edition of The Fourth Dimension, these works function as windows on an invisible meta-reality of higher dimensions and etherial energies' (p. 27), and, elsewhere, belief in a fourth dimension encouraged artists to depart from visual reality and to reject completely the one-point perspective system that for centuries had portrayed the world as three-dimensional' (p. 492).
机译:琳达·达林普·亨德森(Linda Dalrymple Henderson)于1983年首次出版《现代艺术中的第四维度和非欧几里得几何》时,引起了热烈的讨论,最引人注目的是在莱昂纳多杂志上。这是一本书,破坏了现代主义理论的两个主要宗旨:第一,艺术和科学的发展不是通过任何真正的联系或强有力的共同努力联系在一起的,而是因为两者都参与了现代精神或时代精神的事实。其次,更具体地说,爱因斯坦的相对论和立体主义在某种程度上是这种精神的体现。通过坚持不懈地追求两个19世纪发展的命运-非欧几里得的几何形状和她的头衔的更高维度,亨德森清楚地表明,许多因其形式创新而受到评论家赞赏的前卫艺术品立即变得字面化,甚至更多。比以前任何人都怀疑的奇怪。一些尝试阐明几何学的神秘性或参与多维共融,一些尝试增强四维人的智力,而另一些则探索孤独但深刻的超空间范围。正如她在新版《第四维度》的“重新介绍”中所说的那样,这些作品在更高维度和以太能量的无形元现实上起着窗口的作用(第27页),而在其他地方,人们相信第四维度鼓励艺术家脱离视觉现实,完全摒弃一个世纪以来一直将世界描绘为三维的单点透视系统(第492页)。



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