首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fertilisers >Nutrient Management Strategies in Groundnut-based Crop Production Systems in Dryland Regions of Southern Andhra Pradesh

Nutrient Management Strategies in Groundnut-based Crop Production Systems in Dryland Regions of Southern Andhra Pradesh


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The production and productivity of groundnut-based cropping systems in rain shadow (Anantapur and Kurnool districts) regions of southern Andhra Pradesh is low due to frequent droughts, marginal and sub marginal lands, little or no biomass recycling, low soil organic matter, sub-optimal nutrient application, low nutrient use efficiency and multi-nutrient deficiencies, etc. Ninety per cent of the area sown to groundnut in this region is rainfed and relies entirely on monsoon. There is a high variability in the onset of monsoon, very low and poor distribution of rainfall over the growing season. This agro-ecological region is complex, risk-prone and under-invested. The till date research efforts in this zone have clearly indicated that, despite all the above constraints, response to fertiliser application is are on decline. It means for each kg extra yield, more nutrients are needed. Opportunities are therefore, for more rain water use efficiency, harnessing water-nutrient interactions, balanced fertilization, nutrient efficient crop genotypes, adoption of integrated plant nutrient supply system, site-specific nutrient management, organic farming and conservation agriculture etc. There is a need to take advantage of synergetic effect of various inputs in this region. Because of very low organic carbon content the components such as organic manures, secondary and micronutrients, bio-fertilisers, crop residues also needs, to be applied effectively to mitigate nutrient and moisture stress and improve soil health and crop productivity.



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