首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Biotechnology >Development, micropropagation and characterization of colchiploid of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench

Development, micropropagation and characterization of colchiploid of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench


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To enhance the genetic resource base of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench, a tetraploid was developed by treating seeds with different concentrations of colchicine. For further multiplication, in vitro micropropagation through adventitious shoot induction and proliferation was achieved. Shoot buds were induced directly on adaxial surface of mature leaf tissues growing on MS medium supplemented with equimolar concentration of BAP and IBA. The optimum initial shoot regeneration frequency (63%) with average 2.3 shoots per explant was achieved after 30 d of culture initiation. Maximum shoot organogenesis, with 8-10 shoots per culture flask, was obtained on the same medium after 10(th) subculture. Proliferating callus with intermixed shoot buds was derived from leaf tissue explants placed on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg L-1 each of BAP and IAA. The regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium devoid of any growth regulator. Rooted plantlets were hardened under greenhouse conditions at 20-22 degrees C with 85-90% RH. About 95% plantlets survived acclimatization, producing phenotypically normal plants in the greenhouse. After 4 wks, rooted plants were successfully transferred to soil in experimental field station at Jammu. Comparable field trials were laid with parental diploids. Tetraploids were dwarf, showed low seed set but were superior because of higher caffeic acid content. The results of this study have established a procedure for development and propagation of tetraploid of E. purpurea having higher caffeic acid content.
机译:为了增强紫锥菊的遗传资源基础,通过用不同浓度的秋水仙碱处理种子来开发四倍体。为了进一步繁殖,通过不定芽诱导和增殖实现了体外微繁殖。将芽芽直接诱导在成熟的叶片组织的轴突表面上,该叶片在补充了等摩尔浓度的BAP和IBA的MS培养基上生长。培养开始30 d后,可获得最佳的初生芽再生频率(63%),每个外植体平均有2.3芽。在第10次传代后,在相同的培养基上获得了最大的芽器官发生,每个培养瓶有8-10个芽。具有混合芽芽的增殖愈伤组织来自置于组织培养基上的叶子组织外植体,该培养基分别补充了BAP和IAA 1 mg L-1。再生的芽生于无任何生长调节剂的MS培养基上。在温室条件下于20-22摄氏度,相对湿度85-90%的条件下,将生根的小苗硬化。约95%的小植株能够适应气候变化,在温室中产生表型正常的植物。 4周后,生根的植物成功地转移到查mu实验田的土壤中。亲本二倍体进行了可比的田间试验。四倍体是矮小的,显示出较低的结实率,但由于咖啡酸含量较高,因此具有较高的优势。这项研究的结果建立了开发和繁殖具有较高咖啡酸含量的紫癜埃希氏菌四倍体的程序。



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