
Detecting gravitational waves with a heralded-photon quantum eraser


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We propose the use of heralded photons to detect Gravitational Waves (GWs). Heralded photons are those photons that, produced during a para-metric downconversion process, are "labelled" by the detection and counting of co-incidences of their correlated or entangled twins and therefore can be discriminated from the background noise, independently of the type of correlation/entanglement used in the set-up. Without losing any generality, we illustrate our proposal with a "gedankenexperiment", in which the presence of a gravitational wave causes a relative rotation of the reference frames associated to the double-slit and the test polarizer, respectively, of a Walborn quantum eraser. In this thought experiment, the GW is revealed by the detection of heralded photons in the dark fringes of the recovered interference pattern by the quantum eraser. Other types of entanglement, such as momentum-space or energy-time, could be used to obtain heralded photons to be used in the future with high-frequency GW interferometric detectors when enough bright sources of correlated photons will be available.
机译:我们建议使用先驱光子来检测引力波(GWs)。先驱光子是在参数下转换过程中产生的光子,通过检测和计数它们的相关或纠缠的孪生子的重合而“标记”,因此可以与背景噪声区分开,而与光子的类型无关。设置中使用的相关/纠缠。在不失一般性的前提下,我们用“ gedankenexperiment”说明了我们的建议,其中引力波的存在分别引起与Walborn量子橡皮的双缝和测试偏振片相关的参考镜架的相对旋转。在这个思想实验中,通过量子擦除器检测到已恢复干涉图案的暗条纹中的预示光子来揭示GW。当有足够的明亮的相关光子源可用时,其他类型的纠缠,例如动量空间或能量时间,可用于获得预告光子,以便将来与高频GW干涉仪一起使用。



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