
The ox'igin and evolution of dust in high-redshift galaxies


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Dusty hyperluminous galaxies in the early Universe provide unique environments for studying the role of massive stars in the formation and destruction of dust At redshifts above 6, when the Universe was less than 1 Gy old, dust could have only condensed in the explosive ejecta of Type II supernovae (SNe), since most of the progenitors of the AGB stars, the major alternative source of interstellar dust, did not have time to evolve off the main sequence. We present analytical models for the evolution of the gas, dust, and metals in high-redshift galaxies, with a special application to SDSS J1148+5251, a hyperluminous quasar at z = 6,4 hereafter referred to as J1148+5251. We show that an average SN must condense at least 1 MQ of dust to account for the mass of dust in this object, when grain destruction by supernova remnants (SNRs) is taken into account. This required yield is in excess of ~ 0,05M?, the largest mass of dust inferred from infrared observations of Case A If the yield of Case A is typical, then other processes, such as accretion onto pre-existing grains in molecular clouds are needed to produce the mass of dust in Jl 148+5251, For such process to be effective, SNR must significantly increase, presumably by non-evaporative grain-grain collisions during the late stages of their evolution, the number of nucleation centers onto which refractory elements can condense in molecular clouds.
机译:早期宇宙中尘土飞扬的高发光星系为研究大质量恒星在尘埃形成和破坏中的作用提供了独特的环境。当红移超过6时,当宇宙的年龄小于1 Gy时,尘埃只能凝结在Type爆炸性喷出物中II级超新星(SNe),因为大多数AGB恒星的祖先(星际尘埃的主要替代来源)没有时间演化出主要序列。我们为高红移星系中的气体,尘埃和金属的演化提供了分析模型,特别适用于SDSS J1148 + 5251(z = 6,4的超发光类星体,以下称为J1148 + 5251)。我们显示出,当考虑到超新星残留物(SNRs)对谷物的破坏时,平均SN必须凝结至少1 MQ的尘埃,以解决该物体中的尘埃质量。该要求的产量超过〜0.05M ?,这是通过案例A的红外观测推断出的最大粉尘质量。如果案例A的产量是典型的,那么其他过程,例如在分子云中的预先存在的颗粒上吸积为了在Jl 148 + 5251中产生大量粉尘,必须有效地提高SNR,这可能是由于SNR的演变后期非蒸发性晶粒/晶粒碰撞,难熔核的中心数量而导致的SNR显着提高。元素可以在分子云中凝结。



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