首页> 外文期刊>Immunobiology: Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung >Comparison patterns of 4 T1 antigens recognized by humoral immune response mediated by IgG and IgM antibodies in female and male mice with breast cancer using 2D-immnunoblots

Comparison patterns of 4 T1 antigens recognized by humoral immune response mediated by IgG and IgM antibodies in female and male mice with breast cancer using 2D-immnunoblots


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The early detection of cancer is one of the most promising approaches to reduce its growing burden and develop a curative treatment before the tumor is established. The early diagnosis of breast cancer is the most demanding of all tumors, because it is the most common cancer in women worldwide. We have described a new approach to analyze humoral immune reactions against 4 T1 cell antigens in female mice, reporting that the IgG and IgM responses differed and varied over time and between individuals. In this study, we compared and analyzed the detection of tumor antigens with IgG and IgM from the sera of male mice that were injected with 4 T1 cells into the mammary gland nipple in 2D immunoblot images. The variability in IgM and IgG responses in female and male mice with breast cancer at various stages of disease was characterized, and the properties with regard to antigen recognition were correlated statistically with variables that were associated with the individuals and tumors.



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