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Transmission of swine pathogens: different means, different needs


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There seems to be two main types of pathogens that cause diseases in swine: those that are mainly introduced through direct pig contacts, and those that are often, and in some situations mainly introduced by indirect transmission means. In this review, the mange mite (Sarcoptes scabiei), toxigenic Pasteurella multocida and Brachyspira hyodysenteriae will be used as examples of the first type, and foot and mouth disease virus, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus as examples of the second. It is now clear from various epidemiological studies as well as experimental and field data that aerosol transmission of some swine pathogens plays an important role in their epidemiology. As previous biosecurity programs did not take this factor into consideration, it can at least partially explain why many of these programs suffered frequent failures and why air filtration is now becoming increasingly popular in North America. Identifying and quantifying transmission means should be a priority for every important infectious disease for which it has not been done.
机译:在猪中引起疾病​​的病原体似乎主要有两种:一种是主要通过直接接触猪引入的,另一种是经常发生的,在某些情况下主要是通过间接传播的方式引入的。在这篇综述中,以ge螨(Sarcoptes scabiei),产毒多杀巴斯德氏菌和猪痢疾短螺旋体为例,以口蹄疫病毒,猪肺炎支原体和猪生殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)为例。第二。从各种流行病学研究以及实验和现场数据中可以清楚地看出,一些猪病原体的气溶胶传播在其流行病学中起着重要作用。由于以前的生物安全计划没有考虑到这一因素,因此它至少可以部分解释为什么许多这样的计划遭受频繁的失败以及为什么空气过滤现在在北美越来越受欢迎。对于所有尚未完成的重要传染病,识别和量化传播手段均应作为优先事项。



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