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Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos in scrub habitats in the southern fens of East Anglia, England: associations with soil type and vegetation structure

机译:英格兰东安格利亚南部地区灌木丛生境中的夜莺Luscinia megarhynchos:与土壤类型和植被结构的关系

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The southeast corner of the East Anglian Fens supports a large concentration of Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos territories. A total of 382 territories were located in extensive surveys in 1999 and 2000, probably representing over 5% of the English population. Transect counts revealed that the Fenland population is restricted in distribution and is associated with localized thickets of scrub. The highest densities are found on humus-rich soils, suggesting that soil type, in addition to habitat availability, may have a strong influence on the Nightingale's distribution in this region. This paper provides the first assessment of habitat requirements of the Nightingale in scrub, which now forms a principal habitat for the species in England. Detailed studies of the attributes of over 100 Nightingale territories revealed subtle differences in the vegetation structure of these thickets when compared with paired, unoccupied, but apparently similar thickets. The Nightingale territories tended to have a higher proportion of bare ground or short vegetation in the field layer under the canopy, whereas paired sites were more likely to have low field layer vegetation beneath the canopy. The bare ground within the thickets is a feature of shading beneath very dense foliage cover. Within Nightingale territories, low field layer volume and shrub twig volume at the thicket edges was higher than in unoccupied thickets. The differences detected in vegetation structure suggest that a dense and continuous canopy forming a shell over bare ground but with dense low foliage at thicket edges provides the ideal vegetation structure for Nightingales in scrub habitats. Our study suggests that Nightingales occupy scrub of a very specific structure, and specific stage in vegetation succession. This structure probably provides an optimal combination of foraging habitat, microclimate and cover from predators. It is suggested that humus-rich soils may be preferred because they may support a particularly rich source of invertebrate food, but this remains to be tested empirically.
机译:东英吉利族人的东南角为夜莺Luscinia megarhynchos领土的集中地带。在1999年和2000年,总共382个领土进行了广泛的调查,可能占英国人口的5%以上。横断面计数显示,芬兰地区的种群分布受到限制,并且与灌木丛的局部灌木丛相关。在富含腐殖质的土壤上发现了最高的密度,这表明除了生境可利用性以外,土壤类型可能对该地区夜莺的分布有很大的影响。本文首次评估了夜莺在灌木丛中的栖息地需求,目前该灌木丛已成为英格兰该物种的主要栖息地。对超过100个夜莺领土的属性进行的详细研究表明,与成对的,未占用的但显然相似的灌木丛相比,这些灌木丛的植被结构存在细微的差异。夜莺领土在冠层下的田间层中裸露土地或短植被的比例较高,而成对的地点在冠层下的田间层植被较低的可能性更大。灌木丛中的裸露地面是非常密集的树叶覆盖物下方阴影的特征。在夜莺领土内,灌木丛边缘的低田间耕种量和灌木枝杈量高于空旷的灌木丛。在植被结构上发现的差异表明,茂密而连续的树冠在裸露的地面上形成了一个壳,但在浓密的边缘有茂密的低枝,为灌木生境中的夜莺提供了理想的植被结构。我们的研究表明,夜莺在植被演替中占据着非常特殊的结构和特定阶段的灌木。这种结构可能提供了觅食栖息地,小气候和天敌掩盖的最佳组合。有人建议,最好是富含腐殖质的土壤,因为它们可能支持特别丰富的无脊椎动物食物,但这仍需进行经验检验。



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