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Live or let live: life-history decisions of the breeding female Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri


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Life-history theory maintains that long-lived species such as hornbills (Bucerotiformes) maximize lifetime fecundity by ensuring adult survival, rather than investing in current reproductive output. Unusually, female Tockus hornbills are sealed into the nest cavity during breeding, placing a large burden on the male who feeds her and the nestlings for up to 9 weeks. Early departure to help feed young may improve nestling survival, but could reduce female survival if moult is incomplete. We investigated whether departure time of the female Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri is more strongly related to measures of female fitness or juvenile condition. Departure was independent of nestling development and growth, instead depending on female state. At departure, variability in condition between females was smaller than at any other stage, implying a strong stabilizing selection on optimal female departure condition. Similarly, moult showed signs of being completed, and variability in the state of moult between females was lowest at departure. Both predictions were met in favour of the hypothesis that Monteiro's Hornbills would base the timing of their departure from the nest on maximizing their own survival. Thus, as predicted, future reproductive potential takes precedence over current reproductive output in a trade-off decision in this species.
机译:生命史理论认为,犀鸟(Bucerotiformes)等长寿物种通过确保成年生存而不是投资于当前的繁殖产量,来最大限度地提高一生的繁殖力。不同寻常的是,雌性犀鸟犀鸟在繁殖过程中被密封在巢腔中,给雄性和雌性哺育长达9周的雄性沉重负担。提早离开以帮助年轻人喂养可能会提高雏鸟的存活率,但如果换羽不完全,可能会降低雌性成虫的存活率。我们调查了雌性蒙地罗的犀鸟山雀(Thornus monteiri)的离开时间是否与女性体质或青少年状况的测量值更密切相关。出发时间不依赖于雏鸟的发育和成长,而是取决于女性的状态。出发时,雌性之间的状况差异小于其他任何阶段,这意味着在最佳雌性出发条件下有很强的稳定选择能力。同样,蜕皮显示出已完成的迹象,雌性之间的蜕皮状态变化在离开时最低。满足了这两个预测的假设是,蒙地罗的犀鸟将其离开巢穴的时机建立在最大化自身生存的基础上。因此,正如预测的那样,在该物种的权衡决策中,未来的生殖潜力优先于当前的生殖产出。



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