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Generalized Tetanus in a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) with Pododermatitis


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A 2-yr-old male gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) was presented for severe and generalized muscle spasticity and pododermatitis. The falcon had been treated for pododermatitis over the previous 4 mo. Muscle rigidity and spasms involved the entire bird but were more severe on the right leg. The bird was also tachypneic and hyperthermic at 45 C. While the plantar pododermatitis lesions had healed, there was still a small abscess on the lateral aspect of the right foot. Clinical signs were consistent with tetanus. Several bacteria were isolated from the abscess including Clostridium tetani. The isolate was confirmed to be toxigenic by PCR. Attempts to detect tetanus toxin in the bird's plasma were unsuccessful. The abscess was debrided. The gyrfalcon received equine tetanus antitoxin, intravenous metronidazole, methocarbamol, midazolam, a constant-rate infusion of Fentanyl, active cooling, and supportive care. Inhalant anesthesia with isoflurane was the only treatment that would lower the body temperature and reduce the clinical signs. The gyrfalcon died a few hours after admission. The characteristic clinical signs and isolation of toxigenic C. tetani from a wound were strong supportive evidence for a diagnosis of tetanus. This case constitutes the first reported natural occurrence of tetanus in an avian species. Further information is needed to determine whether gyrfalcons are more susceptible to tetanus than are other avian species and whether pododermatitis lesions may be risk factors.
机译:提出了一个2岁大的雄性吉尔达(Galfalcon)(Falcorustolus),用于严重和全身性肌肉痉挛和足部皮炎。猎鹰已在过去的4个月内接受过足部皮肤炎的治疗。肌肉僵硬和痉挛累及整只鸟,但右腿更为严重。这只鸟还在45°C时出现呼吸急促和高温。虽然足底足部皮炎的伤口已经愈合,但右脚的外侧仍有少量脓肿。临床体征与破伤风一致。从脓肿中分离出几种细菌,包括破伤风梭菌。通过PCR确认该分离物是有毒的。未能检测到鸟血浆中的破伤风毒素。脓肿已清除。 Gyrfalcon接受了马破伤风抗毒素,静脉注射甲硝唑,甲氧卡巴胺,咪达唑仑,芬太尼的恒速输注,主动降温和支持治疗。异氟醚吸入麻醉是唯一可以降低体温并降低临床症状的疗法。猎鹰入院数小时后死亡。从伤口中分离出有毒的破伤风线虫的特征性临床体征是诊断破伤风的有力支持证据。该病例是破伤风在鸟类中首次报道的自然发生。需要进一步的信息来确定陀螺cons是否比其他禽类更容易受到破伤风的侵害,以及足底皮炎是否可能是危险因素。



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