首页> 外文期刊>Avian Pathology >Preliminary study for evaluation of avian influenza virus inactivation in contaminated poultry products using electron beam irradiation

Preliminary study for evaluation of avian influenza virus inactivation in contaminated poultry products using electron beam irradiation


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Spread of avian influenza is associated with movement of infected poultry and poultry products, and, as a result, strict international trade restrictions are in place. In addition, the possibility of transmission of avian influenza virus (AIV) strains to mammalian species by the consumption or handling of infected poultry, although a rare occurrence, is an important trade concern. Traditional methods for poultry product decontamination, such as thermal processing, are effective in inactivating AIV. However, alternative technologies such as electron beam (E-beam) irradiation offer some advantages in maintaining organoleptic properties of fresh poultry products. This study was designed to evaluate the applicability of high-energy (10 MeV) E-beam irradiation to inactivate AIV and reduce virus loads in egg products and poultry meat. Commercially available egg-white and ground turkey meat samples were spiked with the low-pathogenic A/chicken/TX/2002 H5N3 AIV and exposed to varying doses of high-energy E-beam irradiation in increments ranging from 0 kGy to 8 kGy. The viral titres in irradiated samples showed a linear dose-dependent reduction. The dose required to achieve 90% reduction (i.e. the D (10) value) of viable AIV loads was 2.3 kGy in phosphate buffer, 1.6 kGy in egg-white and 2.6 kGy in ground turkey meat samples. The effectiveness of E-beam irradiation to inactivate AIV was similar to the previously reported effectiveness of the E-beam against poliovirus and rotavirus. These results illustrate the potential applicability of high-energy (10 MeV) E-beam irradiation as a poultry product decontamination technology to inactivate AIV.
机译:禽流感的蔓延与受感染的家禽和家禽产品的流动有关,因此,实行了严格的国际贸易限制。另外,尽管很少发生,但是通过食用或处理感染的家禽将禽流感病毒(AIV)毒株传播给哺乳动物的可能性是重要的贸易关注点。禽肉去污的传统方法(例如热处理)可以有效地灭活AIV。但是,替代技术(例如电子束(电子束)辐照)在保持新鲜家禽产品的感官特性方面具有一些优势。这项研究旨在评估高能(10 MeV)电子束辐照用于灭活AIV并减少蛋制品和禽肉中病毒载量的适用性。用低致病性A /鸡/ TX / 2002 H5N3 AIV加标可商购的蛋清和火鸡肉样品,并以0 kGy至8 kGy的增量暴露于不同剂量的高能电子束辐照下。辐照样品中的病毒滴度显示出线性的剂量依赖性降低。达到90%的可行AIV负载降低所需的剂量(磷酸盐缓冲液中为2.3 kGy,蛋白中为1.6 kGy,火鸡碎肉样品中为2.6 kGy)。电子束辐照灭活AIV的有效性与先前报道的电子束针对脊髓灰质炎病毒和轮状病毒的有效性相似。这些结果说明高能(10 MeV)电子束辐照作为家禽产品净化技术以使AIV失活的潜在适用性。



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