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'Seven Fat Years and Seven Lean Years'? Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa


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Climate change and variability of climate are currently subject to some debate (e.g. IPCC 2001; Lomborg 2001). Despite the debate between those convinced of the reality of human-induced climate change and those who are contrarians, past impacts of climate variability, including droughts, are real for many in Africa, particularly the rural poor and those seeking an existence from rain-fed agriculture (Sokona and Denton 2001). In semi-arid and arid parts of the continent, crop yields are frequently lowered by decreases in rainfall below the average (e.g. 75 per cent of normal rainfall in parts of Southern Africa), periods of intense rainfall, and variations in temperature and soil moisture (e.g. Mendelsohn et al. 2000). Impacts, during extreme periodsas well as during periods of "normal" climate variability affect both irrigated, commercial farmers and related enterprises but also, notably, those depending on rain-fed agriculture. While one may argue that African farmers have adapted to climate variations in the past, others are suggesting (Mendelsohn et al. 2000a and 2000b) that future climate change may force large regions of marginal agriculture out of production in Africa (Devereux and Ed wards 2004).
机译:气候变化和气候变异性目前尚待讨论(例如IPCC 2001; Lomborg 2001)。尽管那些相信人类造成的气候变化现实的人和反对者之间存在争论,但非洲许多人尤其是农村穷人和寻求雨水滋生的人对气候多变性的过去影响(包括干旱)确实存在农业(Sokona和Denton,2001年)。在该大陆的半干旱和干旱地区,降雨通常低于平均水平(例如,南部非洲部分地区正常降雨的75%),降雨频繁以及温度和土壤湿度的变化,农作物的产量通常会降低(例如Mendelsohn et al。2000)。在极端时期和“正常”气候变化时期的影响不仅影响灌溉的商业农民和相关企业,而且还特别影响依赖雨养农业的企业。尽管有人可能会说非洲农民过去已经适应了气候变化,但其他人则在暗示(Mendelsohn等人2000a和2000b),未来的气候变化可能迫使非洲大部分边缘农业停产(Devereux和Ed wards 2004)。 )。



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