首页> 外文期刊>Asian journal of research in chemistry >Prevalence of HCV Infection in Healthy Donors of Rewa Division

Prevalence of HCV Infection in Healthy Donors of Rewa Division

机译:Rewa Division健康捐献者的HCV感染率

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Background In central India (M.P.) there is high prevalence of hepatitis; of which hepatitis C contributes as a major cause of hepatitis. In our area there were no major efforts to contain the disease. According to one estimate most of the hepatitis C occurs due to negligence transfusion of infected blood (Hepatitis C). Therefore we have tried to found percentage of population infected with this disease. Material and Methods Study design-Prospective study. For screening donors we have used one step rapid test for the detection of HGV and confirmatory test was done byELISA method. Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was done by using Minitab 17 Pennsylvania, USA. Results In our study we found 1.6% HCV infected blood among healthy donors; which was Insignificantly (p >0.05) more iii voluntary donors in comparison to replacement donors. Male between age groups 29-38 were found highly infected hi comparison with other age groups. We also found prevalence was highest in Hindu community (1.69%) and more in student group (2.2%) in comparison to working and farmers. Conclusion For effective control of transfusion of infected blood and to prevent its spread, we have to improve community knowledge towards vaccination; educational programs for blood bank personals; and government should open blood banks at Community Health Center level.
机译:背景在印度中部(M.P.),肝炎的患病率很高。其中丙型肝炎是引起肝炎的主要原因。在我们地区,没有做出重大努力来控制这种疾病。根据一项估计,大多数丙型肝炎的发生是由于疏忽性输注了受感染的血液(丙型肝炎)。因此,我们试图找到感染这种疾病的人口百分比。材料和方法研究设计-前瞻性研究。为了筛选供体,我们使用了一步快速检测来检测HGV,并通过ELISA方法进行了确认性检测。统计分析使用美国宾夕法尼亚州的Minitab 17进行统计分析。结果在我们的研究中,我们发现健康献血者中有1.6%的HCV感染血液。与替代捐赠者相比,iii自愿捐赠者的比例微不足道(p> 0.05)。与其他年龄组比较,发现29-38岁年龄段的男性感染率高。我们还发现,与工作和农民相比,印度教社区的患病率最高(1.69%),学生群体的患病率最高(2.2%)。结论为了有效控制感染血液的输血并防止其扩散,我们必须提高社区对疫苗接种的知识;血库人员教育计划;政府应在社区卫生中心一级开设血库。



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