首页> 外文期刊>Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies >Observations of Titan's Northern lakes at 5μm: Implications for the organic cycle and geology

Observations of Titan's Northern lakes at 5μm: Implications for the organic cycle and geology


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Since Titan entered Northern spring in August 2009, the North Pole has been illuminated allowing observations at optical wavelengths. On June 5, 2010 the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) onboard the Cassini spacecraft observed the Northern Pole area with a pixel size from 3 to 7km. Since, as we demonstrate, little of the solar flux at 5μm is scattered by the atmosphere, these observations were obtained at relatively large incidence angles and allowed us to build a mosaic covering an area of more than 500,000km ~2 that overlaps and complements observations made by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in 2007. We find that there is an excellent correlation between the shape of the radar dark area, known as Ligeia Mare and the VIMS 5-μm dark unit. Matching most of the radar shoreline, the 2010 VIMS observations suggest that the 125,000-km ~2 surface area of Ligeia Mare measured by RADAR in 2007 has not significantly changed. The VIMS observations complement the radar observations to the west of Ligeia Mare and suggest that Ligeia Mare is connected to Kraken Mare by either a diffuse network similar to a swamp area, or by well-defined, sub-pixel rivers. Considering the results of recent evaporation models of methane, our preferred interpretation of the relative constancy in surface area of Ligeia is that it is principally composed of ethane although we cannot rule out the possibility that methane evaporation is balanced with replenishment by either precipitation or underground seepage. There is also strong correlation between the location of the small radar lakes and the small VIMS 5-μm dark patches. The geographic location of the small lakes are within a VIMS pixel of the SAR location, suggesting that the non-synchronous component of Titan's spin rate, if it exists, was less than 2.3×10 ~(-4)deg/day between 2007 and 2010 in agreement with the recent T64 radar observations. These observations question the existence of non-synchronous rotation. Two radar-bright features appear dark at 5-μm. The simplest interpretation is that these are very shallow lakes, less than one meter deep. Three new small lakes, named Freeman, Cardiel, and Towada by the IAU, are found outside of the area mapped with the SAR. A single-scattering model describing reflection of sunlight at 5-μm suggests that the lake surface is mirror-like and that the albedo of the solid surfaces surrounding the lakes is about 8%. These observations together with information of the haze aerosols allow us to show that Titan's lakes, atmospheric ethane and aerosol haze are smaller carbon reservoirs than Titan's sand dunes and atmospheric methane. A simple model involving an outburst of methane a few hundreds of Myr ago followed by the dissociation of methane in the atmosphere leading to the formation of the haze particles that constitute the dune fields would be consistent with both the present observations and recent measurements of isotopic ratios in atmospheric methane (Mandt, K.E. et al. [2012]. Astrophys. J. 749(160), 14).
机译:自从土卫六于2009年8月进入北部春季以来,北极已经照亮,可以在光学波长下观察。 2010年6月5日,卡西尼号飞船上的视觉和红外测绘光谱仪(VIMS)观测到了像素大小为3至7公里的北极地区。正如我们所证明的那样,由于5μm的太阳通量几乎没有被大气散射,因此这些观测是在相对较大的入射角下获得的,这使我们能够构建一个覆盖超过500,000 km〜2的镶嵌图,该镶嵌图与观测值重叠且互补。由合成孔径雷达(SAR)于2007年制造。我们发现雷达暗区(称为Ligeia Mare)的形状与VIMS5μm暗区之间存在极好的相关性。与大多数雷达海岸线相匹配,2010年的VIMS观测结果表明,2007年RADAR测量的Ligeia Mare的125,000 km〜2表面积没有显着变化。 VIMS观测资料是对Ligeia Mare西部雷达观测资料的补充,表明Ligeia Mare通过类似于沼泽区的漫射网或定义明确的亚像素河与Kraken Mare连接。考虑到最新的甲烷蒸发模型的结果,我们对Ligeia表面积相对恒定的首选解释是,它主要由乙烷组成,尽管我们不能排除由于降水或地下渗漏而使甲烷蒸发与补充相平衡的可能性。小型雷达湖的位置与小型VIMS 5微米暗区之间也存在很强的相关性。小湖的地理位置在SAR位置的VIMS像素之内,这表明从2007年到2006年,泰坦旋转速率的非同步分量(如果存在)小于2.3×10〜(-4)deg / day。 2010年与最近的T64雷达观测结果一致。这些观察结果质疑了非同步旋转的存在。两个雷达明亮特征在5μm处显得很暗。最简单的解释是这些都是非常浅的湖泊,不到一米深。在由SAR绘制的区域之外,发现了三个新的小湖,它们被国际天文学联合会分别命名为Freeman,Cardiel和Towada。描述太阳光在5μm处反射的单散射模型表明,湖面呈镜面状,湖周围的固体表面的反射率约为8%。这些观察结果以及雾霾气溶胶的信息使我们能够证明,泰坦的湖泊,大气乙烷和气雾霾比泰坦的沙丘和大气甲烷是较小的碳储层。一个简单的模型涉及几百个Myr之前的甲烷爆发,然后在大气中解离甲烷,导致形成沙丘场的雾度颗粒形成,这与当前的观测值和最近的同位素比率测量值都一致大气中的甲烷(Mandt,KE等人[2012]。Astrophys。J. 749(160),14)。



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