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The king's animals and the king's books: the illustrations for the Paris Academy's Histoire des animaux


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This essay explores the place of natural philosophy among the patronage projects of Louis XIV, focusing on the Memoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des animaux (or Histoire des animaux) of the 1670s, one of a number of works of natural philosophy to issue from Louis XIV's printing house. Questions particular to the Histoire des animaux include the interaction between text and image, the credibility and authority of images of exotic animals, and the relationship between comparative anatomy and natural history, and between human and animal anatomy. At the same time that the Histoire des animaux contributed to Jean-Baptiste Colbert's management of patronage and of Louis's image, it was a work of natural philosophy, representing the collaborative efforts of the new Paris Academy of Sciences. It examined natural history and comparative anatomy in new ways, and its illustrations broke new ground in their depiction of animals in a natural setting. However, the lavishly formatted books were presentation volumes and did not gain wide circulation until their republication in 1733. Sources consulted include Colbert's manuscript memoires on the royal printers and engravers.
机译:本文探讨自然哲学在路易十四的赞助项目中的位置,重点研究1670年代的纪念性自然历史回忆录(或称历史性反讽),这是许多自然哲学著作之一来自路易十四的印刷厂。动漫史所特有的问题包括文本与图像之间的相互作用,外来动物图像的可信度和权威性,比较解剖学与自然历史之间以及人与动物解剖学之间的关系。在《动漫史》为让-巴蒂斯特·科尔伯特(Jean-Baptiste Colbert)的光顾管理和路易斯的形象做出贡献的同时,这是自然哲学的工作,代表了新的巴黎科学院的共同努力。它以新的方式检查了自然历史和比较解剖学,其插图在自然环境中对动物的描绘开创了新局面。但是,格式繁多的书籍只是演示文稿而已,直到1733年再版后才广为流传。所查阅的资料包括科尔伯特在皇家印刷商和雕刻师上的手稿回忆录。



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