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Succession plan 10 years in the making for cattle family


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There comes a time in every farming dynasty when decisions have to be made whether to pass on the farm to the next generation or capitalise on the asset and secure the family's future by selling the property on the open market. Such was the dilemma facing Queensland graziers Tex and Vicky Barrett when they started planning for succession more than 10 years ago. They were in their early 50s and retirement was far from their minds, but they decided to start planning for the property's future sooner rather than later to ensure they could provide for a new "retirement" farming venture for themselves and not "burden" their family in their old age. The Barretts have owned and operated the family holding, Drumburle, a 6600-hectare grazing property at Thangool (near Biloela in Central Queensland) and the 833ha neighbouring Lawgi Station since 1980. They currently run 600 Droughtmaster breeding cows and sell the progeny to finishers.
机译:在每个农业朝代都有一段时间,必须决定是将农场传给下一代还是利用资产来通过在公开市场上出售财产来确保家庭的未来。昆士兰吃草者Tex和Vicky Barrett在十多年前开始计划继任时就遇到了这样的困境。他们正处于50多岁的年龄,退休的想法却遥遥无期,但他们决定尽早开始计划该物业的未来,以确保他们能够为自己提供一个新的“退休”农业企业,而不是给他们的家庭“负担”在他们的晚年。自1980年以来,Barretts拥有并经营着家族控股的Drumburle牧场,该牧场位于Thangool(昆士兰中部Biloela附近)和6公顷(6300公顷)放牧地,以及毗邻Lawgi站的833公顷。他们目前经营着600头Droughtmaster育种牛,并将后代出售给育肥商。



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