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Type I chiari malformation presenting central sleep apnea


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Sleep apnea is a rare but a well-known clinical feature of type I Chiari malformation. It may be obstructive or central in nature. Sleep apnea in patients with type I Chiari malformation rarely presents without accompanying neurological signs or symptoms. We here report a case of a 10-year-old girl who presented with central sleep apnea without any other neurological signs but was ultimately diagnosed with type I Chiari malformation. The patient initially showed mild improvement in symptoms after administration of an acetazolamide. Finally, posterior fossa decompression dramatically improved her respiratory status during sleep, both clinically and on polysomnography. This case suggests that type I Chiari malformation should be considered in the differential diagnoses of central apneas in children, even if there are no other neurological signs and symptoms. Furthermore, sagittal craniocervical magnetic resonance imaging may be necessary for a definitive diagnosis.
机译:睡眠呼吸暂停是一种罕见但众所周知的I型Chiari畸形临床特征。它本质上可能是阻塞性的或中心性的。 I型Chiari畸形患者很少出现睡眠呼吸暂停,而没有伴随的神经系统体征或症状。我们在这里报告了一个10岁女孩的案例,该女孩出现中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停,没有任何其他神经系统症状,但最终被诊断出患有I型Chiari畸形。服用乙酰唑胺后,患者最初表现出轻微的症状改善。最后,后颅窝减压术在临床和多导睡眠图检查中均显着改善了她在睡眠期间的呼吸状况。该病例表明,即使没有其他神经系统症状和体征,在儿童中枢性呼吸暂停的鉴别诊断中也应考虑I型Chiari畸形。此外,矢状颅颈磁共振成像对于明确的诊断可能是必要的。



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