首页> 外文期刊>Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology >Is there a place in infertility practice for the use of oil-based tubal flushing?

Is there a place in infertility practice for the use of oil-based tubal flushing?


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In the management of the sub-fertile couple the objective is to assist them in conceiving with the least amount of medical intervention possible using an efficacious treatment. Often this is achieved by simple lifestyle measures, and potentially education on the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle to attempt to conceive. However, in the current environment of couples postponing the initiation of starting a family until later in life, and certainly for couples compromised by impaired semen parameters or fallopian tube obstruction, there is increasing recourse to assisted reproductive technologies. Indeed, it is believed that currently 1 in 25 children born in Australia result from in-vitro fertilisation procedures. According to the most recent report of assisted reproductive technologies by the Australian National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit, of IVF procedures performed in 2011 within Australia and New Zealand this resulted in the birth of 12,443 babies, with the enviable record of only 6.9% of births being multiples.



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